Page 47 - Rev. Charlie MacDonald Shoes Bad Horses
ISSUE : Issue 22
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/6/1
Well, boy, I came out of the house early in the morning. I had the rifle in one hand and the bible in the other. Two cars went by and it was all over creation that Charlie MacDonald came out of the manse with a bible in one hand and a rifle in the other. So I went down to the orchard. It was just after daybreak. I was looking at my watch, so I could get to Sydney to the Presbytery meeting on time. And boy, didn't I see this big buck coming down in? to the field. At the edge of the woods. I said, "Halelujah. He's coming." Sat still and I believe he sensed me. I just sat as still as death. And here he came down and I took aim and, bang, he tumbled down to the apple tree. And I said, "Praise the Lord I " • and I went and I almost killed myself getting that deer in the car. I threw him in the garage for the minister and I made it to the Prespytery meeting in Sydney on time. I'll tell you, I couldn't sit down and fold my hands and put my feet out and do nothing. I'd have to get out and help the people. The other ministers didn't ap? prove of the things I was doing but usu? ally the people themselves thought it was wonderful to help them shoe their horses and help with painting and carpentry • but some of them will condemn me for it. But anyway, I be myself. And I'd just as soon be myself as some of the guys that are condemning me. Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson JUNE 1979 Cape Breton's M A G A Z I N.E TfOR YOURSELF t Please send me the First Collectors* [Edition ($4.00) and/or Qthe Second Col- ,lectors' Edition ($4.50) and/or O the Third Collectors' Edition ($5-50) I and/or C? a 6-issue subscription to Cape I Breton's Magazine. NAME ADDRESS WRECK COVE . NOVA SCOTIA ?? Begin subscrlptlon with Number iGrpf ""I ~'r [Please send c7 the First Collectors' Edi- NAME_ tion (4.00) and/orlrythe Second Collec- ' tors' Edition (4.50) and/or r7 the Thir"cr ADDRESS [Collectors' Edition ($5-50) ($5.50) ' and/or O 21 6-issue subscription to Cape I Breton's Magazine Begin Subscription with Number (Gift is from__ I ' J
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