Inside Back Cover - Rev. Charlie MacDonald Shoes Bad Horses
ISSUE : Issue 22
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/6/1
FIRST ISSUES 1 TO 6 168 pages, $4.00 SECOND ISSUES 7 T012 216 pages, $4.50 THIRD ISSUES 13 T018 280 pages, $5.50 Yes, vou can subscribe to Cape Breton's Magazine, and Yes, all the back issues are available, and Yes, you can send a gift anywhere in the world You Can Buy the Collectors' Editions The First Collectors' Edition of Gape Breton's Magazine includes the first six issues of the magazine, reprinted exactly as originally published • bound together as one big book. If you missed any of the"first issues, they are all here. The Second Collectors' Edition and the Third Collectors' Edition are also available, but the supply of these books is limited. You Can Also Subscribe A subscription can begin with any issue from Number 19 onward. The current issue is Number 22. Subscriptions are sold on a 6-issue basis. A 6-issue subscription is $6.00 in Canada, $7.00 Foreign. Fill out the coupons or simply put your order in the form of a letter. And be sure to include the complete address for yourself and anyone else you want to receive Collectors' Edi? tions and/or subscriptions. And be sure to enclose a cheque or money order in the correct amount.We do the mailing and we pay the postage, anywhere in the world. TO ORDER. USE THE COUPON AT LEFT OR SIMPLY WRITE US A LETTER
Cape Breton's Magazine