Page 27 - Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lauchie's Dream"
ISSUE : Issue 23
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/8/1
Seo mar a bh'ann. Nuair a dhorchaich an oidhche, chaidh sinn air tir. Thuirt an Cli, "Leanaibh sibhse mise agus gheobh sinn suas air mullach na creigeadh." Rinn sinn mar a dh'iarr e oirnn, agus fhu? air sinn suas le bhith gle dhicheallach agus an aire a thoirt nach tuiteamaid. Thug sinn fad na h-oidhcheadh am falach fo sgeir de chreig. Shoilleirich an latha. Bha sinn a' cumail sliil gheur mun cuairt fad an t-siubhail feuch am faiceamaid seal? ladh air a' mhult. Cha robh sinn buileach cinnteach am b'e seo an t-am dha a bhith. amuigh. 'S e an fhaoileag dhubh a chunnaic a' cheud shealladh dhe'n mhult. Bha e 'n deidh faighinn suas air mullach na creig? eadh air rathad beag a bh' aige fhein suas taobh aodainn na creigeadh. Cha do ghluais an cu gus na fac' e gu robh am mult suas gu math air cbmhnard na creigeadh. Cha robh boillsgeadh dealanaich riamh na bu luaithe na bha an leum a thug Cu Seang na Coill' Uaine as as deaghaidh a* mhuilt. Chaidh iad mun cuairt air a' chreig tri neo ceithir a dh'uairean. Bha an Cu Seang gu sior a' toirt astaigh a' mhuilt, 'ga dhubhadh agus 'ga theannadh gus mu dheir? eadh b'fheudar dha'n mhult leum sios far na creigeadh air an rathad air an d' than? aig e anuas. Leum an Cu Seang sios as a dheidh air a' rathad bheag, chaol agus ranaig'iad bonn na creigeadh. Bha sruth- ladh mor de dh'alltan a' tighinn amach as a* chreig mu cheithir troighean os cionn an talmhainn agus a' sgaoileadh mar bhrata 'Xos gu bonn na creigeadh. Astaigh fo'n that it needed in order to keep the wild duck alive. No sooner had it taken a drink than it went into a deep stupor and fell like a carcass beside the pond. The Lean Hound bounded over to it and with his sharp, thin nail, he cut the wether from one end to the other. We all gathered a- round the wether, and the Lean Hound opened it up with his sharp nail. Quick as a spark, out came the wild duck and just as swiftly the black seagull was after her. In a moment it returned holding the wild duck by the neck. The Lean Hound took the wild duck and we walked out of the cave. When we emerged into the light of day, the Lean Hound opened up the wild duck, found the egg and extended it to Corra Chriostag. As soon as he did that, a terrible force of water started swelling out of the rock. "That's water from the pond coming out," said the Lean Hound, and at that very in? stant the water began to tum dark and filthy and to give off an awful stench. "That's the water from the Toad Pond," said the Lean Hound, "and now the Old Hag of the Toad Pond will no longer be able to indulge in her sorcery, nor will she be able to make food for herself and soon she will be dead." And at that very moment in the middle of that filthy, putrid water the carcass of the wether appeared. In the wink of an eye he changed into a big,-'terrible-looking Ideal Ice Cream Co. Ltd A Corrplete Line of Frceien Foods Ice Cream and Fountain Suppfies 162 Prince Street Sydney Genuine Down East Hospitality Keddy' Motor Irm 600 King's Road, Sydney, N.S. Phone 539-11'0 • Telex 019-351? '--..' CampGill -k'' Lighthouse dH Cape Breton Shopping Plaz? Sydney River, The Shop with the Answer to all Your Lighting Needs lENTRAl AND EASTERN Senior VIP pian IfyoulreOOorover this caitl entitles YOU to some extra privili'ges. CENTRAL AND EASTERN TRUSTCOMPANY 225 Charlotte Street, Sydney 539-9210
Cape Breton's Magazine