Page 8 - Trails out of Meat Cove
ISSUE : Issue 4
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1973/5/1
SIDE TRIP TO BEAR HILL: Be sure there is plenty of daylight left before attempting this side trip. The view from the top of this mountain is magnificent. The whole Lowland Cove basin with its ring of mountains lies to the south. To the north cliffs of spectacular heights drop straight to the sea. Use caution in approaching the edge. The rocks are loose and may break off. DIRECTIONS: Turn right off the road just opposite the pond and bushwack in a norther? ly direction. After a few hundred feet there will be lots of huge rocks scattered a- round and the trees thin out. Just keep climbing up and up over these rocks to the top of the mountain. There is a cover of brush at the top. To get to the cliffs, keep going towards the sea. RETURN: Retrace your steps to the grassy road. Prom the pond it is another mile of downhill walking to Cape St. Lawrence. There is a light here marking the meeting of the Gulf of St. Lawrence with the Atlantic Ocean, There used to be farms here, and a school. The foundation of a lighthouse keeper's house is still there. People intending to camp out should bring all necessary sup? plies and water. There are no shelters. This is wild country. B. MEAT COVE TO LOWLAND COVE (5 miles) Topographical Map 11 N/2 East Lowland Cove is a wide, uninhabited valley lying along the northwest coast of Cape Breton Island. It is cut off from the Bay St. Lawrence area by a row of mountains running north to south. Low vegetation allows for good visibility. DIRECTIONS: Follow the road right through the Meat Cove settlement to the once- farmed field mentioned in Hike A. After leaving this field follow the dirt road ap? proximately 1 1/2 miles to a junction. After crossing a large steel culvert (French River) and going up a very washed out rocky hill, the second road to the left goes to an old abandoned zinc mine. The smaller road to the right leads to Lowland Cove. SIDE TRIP TO ABANDONED MINE: Go left at the junction and follow the uphill trail un? til it ends at the old mine site. 2/3 mile. RETURN to junction by retracing steps. Continue to Lowland Cove by following the road leading to the right at the junction. After about a mile of easy walking watch for an old road leading off sharply to the right. Follow this through old fields, bushes and then woods as the trail heads down? hill to Lowland Cove, another 1 3/4 miles to the sea. Overnight campers should bring all necessary supplies. There are streams at both ends of the cove that flow all year • not worth hauling water. Lowland Cove is privately owned. Long-term camping is definitely not encouraged. Day hikes are fine and overnights okay • but here (as everywhere) debris must be cleaned and you must be careful about fire. Two man-made forest fires in recent years. RETURN by retracing to Meat Cove or take Hike C. C & G MacLEOD LIMITED CLAN WALL PLAQUES CLAN BADGE PINS SCOTTISH BOOKS GAELIC BOOKS CLAN DECALS SCOTTISH RECORDS CLAN DOOR NAMEPLATES TARTAN SKIRT LENGTHS CLAN DOOR KNOCKERS CLAN BADGE POCKET CRESTS TARTAN SOUVENIRS OF ALL TYPES KVIoIl ('y-Ar''rs i 361 Charlotte Street - P. O. Box 658 I * o • u. Mail Orders | '''''' '''' 5''',' | A Specialty I CANADA i Cape Breton's Magazine/8
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