Page 32 - Le Mine de Plate a Cheticamp
ISSUE : Issue 24
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/12/1
Canada Cement Co. et cela n'etait pas as? sez pour continuer. Le'dernier chargement pour 1'Angleterre a ete decharge en mer pour permettre au bateau de se mettre au service du Gouvernement. L'etablissement de Cheticamp a ete demantibule et trans? ports a Dingwall ou vendu. Toutefois, 1'office a reste a Cheticamp jusqu'en 1956 alors que 1'etablissement de Dingwall a ete fermee et la Compagnie National Gypsum (Canada) Limited a transportee son eta? blissement a Milford dans le Comte de Hants et ses quais a Tufts Cove, pres de Dartmouth. Cette compagnie avait achete la compagnie Atlantic Gypsum Canada Ltd. en 1937 avec chef-lieu'a Buffalo, N. Y. Cette derniere compagnie etait beaucoup plus forte et avait beaucoup'de "Plants" dans les Etats-Unis. Elle opere encore a Mil- ford et Dartmouth. Construction of the mine's wharf, 1928; a view into the quarry, 193'; below; ~The Rev. P. Fiset, P. P., President of the . . . . . __ __ Great Northern Mining Co., Limited, Cheticamp, C. B. (Mr. Boudreau, I am surprised to see Fa? ther Fiset's involvement with the gypsum company, but you do not seem to be sur? prised by it.) Anselme Boudreau; Well, it was not common to all the priests, but it was common to Fr. Fiset. When he came here, the commerce of the Cheticamp was all done by two firms, and Fr. Fiset didn't like it. He started a business of his own, started a store of his own. Then he bought the is? land (Cheticamp Island) and he had a lob? ster factory • bought fish. (He ran these just like a merchant?) Yes. And it was a good thing for Cheticamp because that's the way the church was built. Each family had to give six dollars a year • but they had no money. What he took was probably a piece of cattle, or a sheep, or load of potatoes, or the fish they could get in one day. It didn't have to be money for that six dollars. He was interested in everything for the benefit of Cheticamp. When M. V. Grandin found the gypsi'm in the back hills, well, Fr. Fiset was the logical man to go an in? terest in it. (So you're not surprised to see a priest doing that.) It surprised no? body. He was that type of a man. He was a worker. After he had said his mass in the morning • when he was younger • '0 or 50 • he would put on a pair of overalls and plow and mow and he was a farmer. And that's what he was preaching: people should cul- D. GOLDMAN & SONS LTD. "Tilt UOMt OK FINK SKAFOOD" #Gallant Street, Glace Bay • Terminal Bldg.? Sydney Airport Amby Thomas:Songs & Stories from Deep Cove Allister MacGillivray: Song for the Mira Allister's book is a tender selection of his songs, giving words and tunes • including TIE ME DOWN and SONG FOR THE MIRA in English, Gaelic and French. Ronnie MacEachern collect? ed the songs and stories as remembered by Amby Thomas. It's a lovely way of sharing both the man and songs that have become en- - meshed in Cape Breton's story. Ellison Ro? bertson's drawings go along nicely with these songs. Both books are at local book? stores, or certainly should be.
Cape Breton's Magazine