Page 44 - Hector Carmichael and Alexander Kerr
ISSUE : Issue 24
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1979/12/1
started wanting them to let us shoot the pig. The old man was telling us to fly the hell out of the barn with that .22. But Danny said, "Let them try shooting her. If they can hit her, fine; if not, I'll catch up with her with the pole axe." The pig was in the sheep place, and the door was boarded up so high. At last the old man said, "All right, shoot her." Peter was the fellow that got the job of shooting the pig. And the pig had a habit of climb? ing up on the boards when anyone would go in. Oh jeez, but he fired at the pig and the pig fell on her back in the trough. And she was kicking to beat hell. And the old man went in to put the knife in her and his toes caught on the top board and he just went on her. Well, if you ever saw overalls coming off a fellow in a hurry. She didn't leave him a thing but the braces. God, it was comical.... Hector; Used to be a lot of fun around here long ago. Alex: Well, I guess, all kinds of it. (Well, we'll have to take Alex home and let him get to bed.) Hector; Oh, he doesn't go to bed at all all night. (What does he do?) Alex; I pray. I You Can Subscribe to Cape Breton's Magazine A subscription can begin with any issue from Number 19 onward. The current issue is Num? ber 24. Subscripl'ions are sold on a 6-issue basis. A 6-issue subscription is $7.00 in Canada, $8.00 Foreign. Use the coupon or simply put your order in the form of a letter. And be sure to include the complete address for yourself and anyone you want to receive magazines or a copy of DOWN NORTH. We pay postage anywhere in the world, and we'll let them know the gift came from you. Enclose cheque or money order in the correct amount. Edited & Published by Ronald Caplan with the help of Bonnie Thompson December 1979 Cape Breton's M A G A ZlN.E Please send me copies of DOWN NORTH, The Book of Cape Breton"*' ??f NAME (If these are gifts names and addresses copies in paperback (12.95) copies in hai'-dcover (19-95) send along the ADDRESS WRECK COVE NOVASCOmA And/or a 6-issue subscription to Cape Breton's Magazine ($7.00, Canada; $8.00 Foreign). Begin subscription with Number .
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