Page 42 - Advert: The Captain's Log
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1981/6/1 (256 reads)From the sandy beaches of the Bay of Fundy shore to the brilliant emerald green highlands of Cape Breton, cele? brations are being held this year in every town and village of Nova Scotia in honour of the sea. 1981 is the year of the sea - a tribute that includes everything from clam bakes and lobster festivals to fishing tournaments, regattas, and schooner races, Wherever you journey in the Prov? ince, you'll find a seaside spectacular -, under full sail. Of course, it's no surprise to discover Nova Scotia honouring the sea: it's at the heart of life in the province. Gen? erations of Nova Scotians have long lived with and by the sea. as fishermen, shipbuilders, merchants and sailors. The life of the sea binds Nova Scotians to? gether and provides for them. It has also taken its toll, as the more than 3000 shipwrecks around the Province's shores testify. So, it's a heartfelt tribute the Prov? ince is paying this year, and vacationers have a unique opportunity to join in these great festivities. Whenever you ar? rive and wherever you travel in the Prov? ince, your family will be able to enjoy a fantastic array of things to see and do • all part of the greatest celebration ever held in honour of the sea. If you journey to Pugwash in late June, for instance, you'll find yourself surround? ed by MacDonalds, MacGregors, Mac- Kcnzies and MacLeods, and all the host of families that make up "The Gathering of the Clans and Fishermen's Regatta" (June 25-July 1). You don't have to be Scottish to love the bright and lively steps of highland dancing, the tradition? al dinners and the unforgettable sounds of the pipe and drum: While one high? land fling does not a Scot make, you'll likely find that after just a few days, you'll get a new lilt in your voice and a fine appreciation for the distinctive blues and greens of clan tartans. Nothing could be a better introduction to the spirit of Nova Scotia than this "Gathering of the Clans" in Pugwash. for the Scots are among the friendliest people of the Province. Arrive in July, and you'll discover an explosion of activity, beginning with "Privateer Days" in Liverpool (July 1-4). No self-respecting seafarers would forget the days of buccaneers, swashbucklers, and old sea dogs. While ancient argu? ments still rage about the fine line between privateers and pirates, you'll have four days of great fun reliving the bad old days with beer festivals, water sports, concerts, and dances. At about the same time, you'll want to enjoy the "Festival of the Strait" at Port Hawkesbury (July 2-5). The "Strait" is the Strait of Canso that divides the mainland from Cape Breton Island and this location gives Port Hawkesbury a unique flavor. The "Festival" is a non-stop spectacle, with parades, sporting competitions, firemen displays, arts and crafts, fireworks and a community fair. When you attend the "Nova Scotia Tattoo" at the Halifax Metro Centre (July 6-9). you'll witness the most lavish entertainment of the summer. "Tattoo" derives from the 17th century Flemish phrase. "Doe Den Tap Toe", meaning "Turn off the tap" (sending the English soldiers from local pubs back to their gar? risons), signalled by a drummer march? ing through the streets. The Flemish phrase became contracted to "Tap Toe" and Anglicized to "Tattoo". Over the course of time, that drummer was joined by other musicians and eventually mili? tary concerts were regularly provided for local townspeople. Today, the Nova Scotia Tattoo brings together some of the most outstanding military bands and civilian performers from throughout Canada andthe United States, combining the traditional military concert with color? ful theatrical performances. It's a mar? velous spectacle for the entire family Pkkiq) your passport to fond memories The Captain's Log is the perfect way to make the most of your Nova Scotia vacation. In it, you'll find eight different travel regions, each with a wide variety of special attractions, his? toric sites, and museums • 98 in all. When you attend a specially designed event or visit a museum, look for the Captain's Log display counter. That's where you'll be able to get your Log stamped • and each stamp has its own unique design. So you'll have a pictur? esque record of what you've seen and done on your vaca? tion, a memento of fond memories to share with relatives and friends back home. You can pick up your personal Captain's Log at all Tourist Bureaus operated by the Province of Nova Scotia where trained coun? sellors are happy to answer any travel ques? tions you may have and to help you plan your stay in Nova Scotia. The Captain's Log is available free at the fol? lowing ' ovincial Tourist Bureaus: Yarmouth jby 'Wood Islands • Port Hastings • Pictou • Halifax International Airport • Historic Properties (Halifax) ?? Antigonish • Amherst PASSPORTS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT TOURIST BUREAUS AETER JUNE 15. ando ittorr When the last drumroll of the Tatoo fades, pack up your things and join the other lobster lovers gathering for the "Pictou Lobster Carnival" at Pic? tou (July 10-11). Naturally, there'll be parades, swimming contests, the annual bathtub race, and lobster boat races galore. After all. this is the world's largest lobster festival. But the main events are the luxurious lobster sup? pers in open air tents • suppers that will make you the envy of your friends when you get back home. If history is your passion, you'll find it come alive at the'"Festival of the Forts" at Annapolis Royal and Port Royal (July 29-August 3). An? napolis Royal is the site of an early Acadian settlement (1635) and Brit? ish garrison: Port Royal boasts the "Habitation", a reconstruction on the site of the first permanent European settlement in Canada. Through a festival of films, dramatizations, and a wide-range of Natal Day activities, famous people and events are liber? ated from musty history books and spring to life. Every member of the family will savor this fascinating mix of entertainment and education. When August rolls around, the choice of events and activities grows even greater. August visitors will want to participate in Sydney's annual festival. "Action Week" (August 1-8). For lovers of beauty, a Queen of the Pageant will be crowned, and Cape Breton's principal city will host track and field events, a beerfest, a parade, and many other entertaining activities. Parade connoisseurs can compare notes at the Grand Parade celebrating "Dartmouth Natal Day" (August 3) in Dartmouth, the famous city of the lakes. There'll be canoe races, and sporting events at the seawall, a variety show, and a fair • all topped off by an evening of fireworks in the summer Since shellfish are special treats during the warm days of August, there are two shellfish festivals run? ning concurrently to satisfy hungry travellers. At the port Town of Dig- by. you'll get the full flavor of a fes? tival at "Digby Scallop Days" (August 7-9). You'll be amazed by the dex? terity of participants in shucking and filleting contests, and delighted by the midway, parades, and scallop ball. Great scallop chowder suppers (keep an eye out for interesting recipes) highlight this three day affair. Journeying to the "Clam Festival" in Economy, Colchester County (Aug? ust 7-9), you'll find live entertainment, country dances, and "the world's best clams", taken from the waters of the Minas Basin which record the highest tides in North America. From Economy, it's just a short drive to the "Rockhound Roundup" in Parrsboro (August 7-9). Parrsboro is located in one of the Province's richest areas for rock collectors, with an abundance of amethysts, agates and zeolites. Fossils can be found in a protected area nearby. So craftspeople and rock collectors will be attracted by a well-planned series of demonstrations, workshops, enter? tainment, lectures, and field trips. Three unique celebrations occur around mid-August, each with a seaside flavor.. Sheet Harbour hosts its "Seaside Festival" from August .7-15. A variety show, dances, and arts and crafts demonstrations are com? bined with canoeing exhibitions and water spectaculars throughout this colorful event. At Canso. in Guysbor- ough County, the "Canso Regatta" is a week of fun from August 12-16, with boat races, concerts, dances, a variety show, and a reigning Queen, At the southern end of the Province, Yarmouth holds its "Seafest" from August 15-22. Again, there'll be dan? ces, parades, water sports, suppers, a craft exhibit and exciting equestrian events. Since nothing is very far dis? tant in Nova Scotia, vacationers who like seaside country fairs might want to sample all three of these events. There's nothing quite like a country dance for making new friends. Mar No' Scotia in September, and the array of interesting events continues without interruption. From September 7-12, Lunenburg will host the Nova Scotia Fisheries Exhibition, a tribute to the fishing industry. Entertainment com? bines with varied competitions to make this a fascinating affair. Towards the end of the month, Halifax and Dartmouth celebrate the "Joseph Howe Festival" together (September 19-26). Honoring Nova Scotia's cham? pion of responsible government, the festival includes regattas, schooner races, a whaler-pulling competition and a costume promenade. From the wharfs at Historic Properties in Hali? fax, voices will boom through the City's streets as participants compete in the annual Town Criers' champion? ship, an event with international recog- Whatever you're looking for in a vacation. Nova Scotia's celebration of the sea this year is sure to have it for
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