Page 55 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1 (187 reads)Page 54 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Page 56 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
?? Travels with Johnny "Butch" MacDonald 36/1 Two Stories from H. L. Livingstone 19/28 Walter Dugas & His Fence, Ari- chat Guest 31/IFC Water Divining: Angus J. Gillis, Matx)U Hartx)ur 37/54 We Worked for General Instm- ments: Part One 49/73 We Worked for General Instru? ments: Part Two 50/1 When the Ross Ferry Got Lost 8/1 Wilfred Best: "The Merchant's Song": 44/20 Wilfred Poirier, Lobster Buyer, With 33/53 Wilfred Prosper, Eskasoni, A Visit with 38/IFC Willy Pat Fitzgerald, A Visit with20/IFC Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald, Fiddler, With 46/1 Wishle Rose: From 50 Years at Sea 29/1 Women in the Steel Plant, World War 2 37/1 Working on the S & L Railroad, Part One 28/1 , Working on the Sydney Coal Piers I 44/25 World War One Continues 34/1 Wreck of the "Auguste," 1761, The 18/10 Yvon LeBlanc, Architect, For? tress of Louisbourg 34/49 Cape Breton's MAGAZINE m the Ross Ferry Got Lost Hut Tutty, Codfish and Handplcit Mining liw to Make Ceann Groppi Tl?? First Priest and the Indians Mors alMut the Lobster To tlie Great Fails on Indian Brooi<. 1890 Ulysses LeLlevre and His Boats How to Make Spruce Beer Cleve Townsend, a Man In Two Worlds Edible Wild Berries of Cape Breton Nunrtber Eight Folklore Acadian Tale, An: "Le Chien Noir 27/28 Alistair MacLeod, A New Story by 42/12 Amelia Cook: Great-Grandmoth? er's Cures 24/IFC An Duine gu'n Churam 1/10 Anne Morrell, Margaree Valley: "Seasons of My Life" 45/17 Annie MacPhee and a Cup of Tea 13/9 Archie Neil Chisholm of Margaree Forks, With 42/67 Art Severance: A Tale from Tmth- ful Paul 33/IFC At the Glengarry Mineral Spring 28/IFC Aunt Annie MacLeod, Wreck Cove 48/35 Beatrice T. MacNeil's Play: 'The Dream" 39/23 Ben Christmas: Chants and Customs 25/9 Bill Forbrigger and Coastal Schooners 38/57 Bird Songs in Gaelic 3/12 Bob Fitzgerald and the Big Fish 28/39 Celestial Bear, a Micmac Legend, The 3/10 Ceilidh at Malcolm Campbell's, A 9/ 21 Chandeleur, a Feast of the Candles 10/1 Chow: Two Morrison Ways 1/11 Cleve Townsend of Louisbourg, a Man in Two Worids 8/26 Dan Alex MacLeod: a Working Life 41/1 Dan Angus Beaton, Blackstone, With 47/68 Dan Angus Beaton: "Colainn gun Cheann" 45/39 Dan Angus Beaton: a Gaelic Tale 43/41 Dan MacNeil and the Devil, 1928 37/IFC Dans les Temps des Praises 4/1 FC Deux Contes Merveilleux pour les Enfants 4/16 Donald John MacMullin with Mal? colm Campbell 10/IFC Dr. Austin MacDonald, Down North 39/1 Dr. MacPherson, the Cancer Doctor 7/24 Dump Cart and Hay Truck, The 11/ 22 Elegy by Andrew Dunphy, An 44/ 77 Eyestone, The 4/23 Finlay Cameron Tells "lain Mac an Tuathanaic" 12/IFC First Priest and the Indians, The 8/ 14 Folk Mapping: Cape Breton Examples 44/16 Fr. John Angus Rankin, Glendale, With 45/59 Fr. John Webb Builds Stone Buildings 15/8 Frank & Margaret MacRae, A Visit with 46/63 Gaelic Story by Archibald J. Mac- Cape Breton's MAGAZINE The Wreck Cove Hydro-Electric investigation Mary Ann BeEtton Makes Country Cheese John -The Cook" MacOonakJ 3 Acadians on the ice More about Doctor MacPherson Gluskap's Journey and a Mastodon Bone A Ceilidh at Maioolm CarnpbeH's -Wild Archie- Hays the Bones Number Nine Kenzie, A 36/IFC Gaelic Tale of the Milky Way, A19/ 31 "George Alfred Becket": Story & Song 42/53 George LeBrun, A Talk about 30/ 15 George Maxwell Family Stories 28/ 17 "Gluskap's Journey" and a Masto? don Bone 9/31 Hattie Camiichael of the Meadow Road 35/1 Hector Cannichael, a Maker of Songs 7/15 Hooking a Rag Rug 3/13 HowGlooskap Found Summer 5/ 24 How Leather Was Sewn 4/17 How the Robinsons Got so Strong 14/IFC How to Bark Tan Hides and Skins 6/15 How to Card and Spin 2/8 How to Make an Axe Handle 1/5 How to Make Ceann Groppi 8/12 How to Make Snowshoes 2/12 How to Make Spruce Beer 8/4 How to Splice Rope 3/22 How We Buried Our Dead 18/32 How We Cured Ourselves 7/18 Hughie Dan MacDonnell Tells "Raonall Mac Ailein Oig" 13/IFC Ice Cutting at Canso 5/9 Indian Turned into a Chenoo, An 26/40 Jack Pineau, the Glace Bay Hobbyist 17/20 Joe Allan MacLean and the Tale of the Round Drover 10/13 Joe David: A Story from Arichat 26/13 Joe MacNeil Tells "lain Mac an las- gairMhoiri6/24 Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story- Conclusion 17/30 Joe MacNeil, Storyteller 4/IFC Joe Neil MacNeil Tells a Fenian Tale 22/30 Joe Neil MacNeil, Gaelic Story? teller 44/65 John The Cook MacDonaW 9/1 FC Johnny Allan MacDonald of Enon 48/1 Joseph D. Samson Tells an Old Tale 39/55 Joseph D. Samson: "Guillaume Cape Breton's MAGAZINE The Sinking of the "Caribou- Ferry Joe Allan MacLean and The Tale of the Round Drover Chandeleur, a Feast of the Candies Donald John MacMullin Talks with Mak??im CatTpbeli Moose, a Cape Breton Extlnctnn How the Mkmac Birch-bark Canoe Was Made Nunter Ten Sans Peur" 33/33 Josie and Jim MacNeil, Big Pond, With 41/IFC Kenneth MacKenzie, Northeast Margaree 27/1 FC Lauchie C. Gillis, Skinning a Lamb 6/13 Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lau- chie's Dream" 23/18 Le Conte du Loup et du Renard 7/ IFC "Le Marin et la Bonne Femme" by Jean Z. Deveaux 16/38 Lexie O'Hare, Big Inten/ale, With (Part 2) 43/57 Lillian Crewe Walsh: "Story of Dicky Melboume" 49/1 FC Lobster Fishing with Johnny Maclnnes 23/40 Local Sea Serpents: 3 Reports 32/28 Lubie Chiasson Tells Acadian Jokes 23/IFC Making a Micmac Basket 2/3 Making Rope from Wood 1/1 Marcellin Hach?? Tells 4 Acadian Stories 11/IFC Marcellin Hach6 Tells an Acadian Story 25/26 Marguerite Gallant: Songs and Stories 20/39 Marie MacLellan, Pianist, A Talk with 42/33 Martelis of Flint Island Light, The 45/44 Martha Bailey Makes Poked Rugs 19/48 Mary Ann Beaton Makes Country Cheese 9/14 Mary Red Dan Smith and a Spindle 22/22 Mary Sarah MacNeil Remembers Long Island 39/74 Micmac Birch-bari< Canoe, The 10/ BC Micmac Legend of Taken-from- Guts, The 11/19 Micmac Tale, A: The Magical Dancing-Doll" 34/27 Micmac Tale: "Magic Flight," A 41/ 60 Mtemac Tales about Badger 13/20 More about Doctor MacPherson 9/ 13 Nan Morrison, Baddeck, A Visit with 47/1 Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Reinembering Those Rum-Running Days The Oump Cart and Hay Truck Marcellin Hach? Tells 4 Acadian Stories The Micmac Legend of Taken-from-Guts Connmon Lichens of Cape Breton Shipwreck at Little Lorraine Number Eleven
Page 54 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Page 56 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
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