Page 56 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1989/1/1 (420 reads)
Page 55 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Page 57 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Glace Bay Makes a Cannon for Louisbourg Hilda MacDonakJ Talks about Glendyer Mills The Life of the Raised Bog Finlay Cameron Tells -lain Mac An Tuathanaic- Two Mtemac Tales John R. and Bessie MacLeod, Robert Hubbard and Annie MacPhee Tell Stories from Inverness County Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Remembering the "Aspy" Annie MacPhee and a Cup of Tea The Life of the Atlantic Cod Huglile Dan MacDonnell Tells "Raonall Mac Ailein Oig" Micmac Tales of Badger Sydney Hart>our In the Second Work! War Number Thirteen Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Rita and Rory Murphy and Moonshining Days Fishing Gaspereaux on the Southwest Margaree How the Robinsons Got so Strong "Fortress Sydney": Guns on the C. B. Coast Conclusnn: Life and Death of the "Aspy- Evidence of Early Man on Cape Breton Sophie Deveau Telb "Le Conte du Fou" Remennbering Life on Scatari Island Number Fourteen Cape Breton's MAGAZINE M. The Plaster Quarry at St. Ann's Father John Webb Builds Stone BuikJIngs Peter Willy Murphy, Hoboing Days A Talk on the Life of the Beaver John Hart of Port Hood • a Scrapbook The Lakeboats on the Bras d'Or A Visit with CapL George Dolomont NurTt)er Fiftegi Noel Morris's Encounter with the Devil 36/43 Oidhche Na Calluinn 2/IFC Old Cures from Sandy MacLean 35/IFC Old Tales of Sorcery Remembered 30/1 Pair of Lan-igans, A 4/20 Pair of Stock Skates, A 3/1 "Red Conall of the Tricks" in Gaelic and English 21/13 Reiteach, a Scottish Engagement Rite 5/20 Remembering St. Paul's Island, Part One 5/13 Rita Joe Tells the Legend of Mud- Lane 19/IFC Rolling Balls of Yarn 36/40 Rory MacKinnon, Sugar Loaf, Tales from 40/IFC Searching for Cape Breton Folk Songs 41/16 Sharpening a Crosscut Saw 7/8 Sidney Howard of Albert Bridge 26/IFC Sophie Deveau: "Le Conte du Fou" 14/15 Sorcier de Cheticamp, Le 1/13 Sowing Oats and Hay 18/7 St. Ann's Day Mission, Chapel Island 40/31 Stories about Buried Treasure 17/ 9 Stories from Inverness County 12/ 1 Stories from Visits Down North 25/ 13 Stories Told about the Bagpipes 50/IFC Story of "Le Fin Voleur," The 29/ 29 Story of Christmas Island, A 6/IFC Story of the Cheticamp Rug, The 19/42 Story of the Micmac Chief, UIgimoo, A 28/37 "The Man Who Married the Beaver 43/67 Twice-Told Tale, A 29/1 FC Two Micmac Tales 12/22 Ulysses LeLievre and his Boats 8/ 18 Walter Dugas & His Fence, Ari? chat Ouest 31/IFC Waltes, an Ancient Micmac Game 6/9 Water Divining: Angus J. Gillis, Ma? bou Harbour 37/54 Wilfred Prosper, Eskasoni, A Visit with 38/IFC Willy Pat Fitzgerald, A Visit with 20/ IFC Willy Petrie, a Man Who Finds Water 6/5 Cape Breton's MAGAZINE A Visit with Jack Sam Hinkley Father Jimmy Tompkins: the Resen/e Mines Years How Hughie MacPhee Made Peace with the Campbells The Wreck of the "Watford," 1932 ? The Whales In Cape Breton's Waters Joe MacNeil Tells "lain Mac An lasgair Mhoir Father Maillard at a Micmac Feast, 1758 • Le Marin et la Bonne Femme" by Jean Z. Deveaux Remembering Mail and Snow and Roads and Mud Number Sixteen French Acadian Tale, An: "Le Chien Noir" 27/28 Dans les Temps des Praises 4/IFC Deux Contes Merveilleux pour les Enfants 4/16 Future of Gaelic on Cape Breton, The 1/8 Joe David: A Story from Arichat 26/13 Joseph D. Samson Tells an Old Tale 39/55 Joseph D. Samson: "Guillaume Sans Peur 33/33 Le Conte du Loup et du Renard 7/IFC "Le Marin et la Bonne Femme" by Jean Z. Deveaux 16/38 Lubie Chiasson Tells Acadian Jokes 23/IFC Marcellin Hach6 Tells 4 Acadian Stories 11/IFC Marcellin Hache Tells an Acadian Story 25/26 Marguerite Gallant: Songs and Stories 20/39 Maria Goyetche of Petit-de-Grat, From Talks with 44/47 Mine de PIStre k Cheticamp, La 24/28 Sophie Deveau: "Le Conte du Fou" 14/15 Sorcier de Cheticamp, Le 1/13 Story of "Le Fin Voleur," The 29/ 29 Three Acadians on the Ice 9/BC Three Cape Breton Acadian Folk Songs 49/44 Walter Dugas & His Fence, Arichat Ouest 31/IFC Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Trap-Fishing with Mike MacOougall Stories about Buried Treasure Pirate Shipyard on the Mira River The Life of the Great Blue Heron Jack Pineau, the Glace Bay Hobbyist Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story • Conclusion islands In the Strait of Canso D. N. MacLennan's History of Grand River Number Seventeen Shore 27/45 Gaelic Story by Archibald J. Mac? Kenzie, A 36/IFC Gaelic Tale of the Milky Way, A19/ 31 Hector Carmichaei, a Maker of Songs 7/15 Hughie Dan MacDonnell Tells "Raonall Mac Ailein Oig" 13/IFC Joe Allan MacLean and the Tale of the Round Drover 10/13 Joe MacNeil Tells "lain Mac an las? gair Mhoir" 16/24 Joe MacNeil's Wonderful Story- Conclusion 17/30 Joe MacNeil, Storyteller 4/IFC Joe Neil MacNeil Tells a Fenian Tale 22/30 Joe Neil MacNeil, Gaelic Story? teller 44/65 Josie and Jim MacNeil, Big Pond, With 41/IFC Lauchie MacLellan Tells "Lau- chie's Dream" 23/18 Mary MacMillan at Ben Eoin 39/ IFC Milling Frolic on the North Shore, A 21/39 Oidhche Na Calluinn 2/IFC "Red Conall of the Tricks" in Gael? ic and English 21/13 Reiteach, a Scottish Engagement Rite 5/20 Two Gaelic Tales: John Dan Mac? Neil & Mickey MacNeil 47/45 Gaelic Allan the Ridge MacDonald, Gael? ic Poet 38/37 An Duine gu'n Churam 1/10 Bird Songs in Gaelic 3/12 Dan Angus Beaton: "Colainn gun Cheann" 45/39 Dan Angus Beaton: a Gaelic Tale 43/41 Finlay Cameron Tells "lain Mac an Tuathanaic" 12/IFC Frank & Margaret MacRae, A Visit with 46/63 Future of Gaelic on Cape Breton, The 1/8 Gaelic Precenting on the North Cape Breton's MAGAZINE Johnny Murphy, Northeast Margaree Eyewitness to the Wreck of the "Auguste," 1761 A Visit with Clarence and Mary Lashley "Pernnanencia," North Sydney's Concrete Boat Making Bricks at George's River Sowing Oats and Hay A Theory of Vikings on Cape Breton How We Buried Our Dead Number ElghtMi
Page 55 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
Page 57 - A Guide to Issues 1 to 50 of Cape Breton's Magazine
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