Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 63 > Page 63 - Visit with Will Pringle, Richmond County

Page 63 - Visit with Will Pringle, Richmond County

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1 (181 reads)

MacLean man) was invited in there and got a crack over the head with a stick while he was eating something. But anyway, he never reached home. And shortly afterwards they had money enough to leave. (Oh, this old woman and her son.) Yes, left here. And I might have by accident come across his grave, because I was crawling on my stomach to hunt black ducks. And it was spruce, where the wind blows against--(it) grows very close to the ground. So I had to creep through on my stomach, pushing the gun ahead of me. And didn't I come upon a hollow--and one of my sons found it later, too--a hollow about 6 feet long and about ROUTE 4 The road less travelled! Discover Richmond County From Johnstown to Arichat, Louisdale to Loch Lomond, an extraordinary mixture of Acadian and Irish, Micmac and Scottish traditions welcomes the visitor. The setting is the quiet beauty of Richmond County. The culture and heritage are centuries old. We invite you to take Route 4, the road that leads through Richmond County. It is the road less travelled, and it will make all the difference in your Cape Breton Vacation. MUNICIPALITY OF THE COUNTY OF RICHMOND Discover Cape Breton Differently! KAYAK TOURS INSTRUCTION • RENTALS • KAYAKS • CANOES • BIKES • • OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT- LOG CABINS on the Bras d'Or Lake Ask for brochure: KAYAK CAPE BRETON R. R. 2, West Bay, N. S. BOE 3K0 OR PHONE (902) 535-3060 that (wide), in the ground. Near this pond. Not too far from where this old woman lived. I might have been wrong, but I was thinking that probably he was buried there. But anyway, he didn't reach home. (And never heard of again.) No. (You would ex? pect he would have some money with him.) Oh, yes. He was well dressed. People com? ing from the States then would have quite a bit of money. A relative of his--a friend of mine--Allan Maclnnes--was telling me--I was up visit? ing. One of his sons, Roddy, the rear of Black River--he was telling about when he came home from the States. They landed at Port Hawkesbury, by boat. He was stopping at this inn. And my father's sister. Aunt Mary--later she was married to a Cameron-- she was coming home from the States too. So, he said he was going to walk home. No cars. A road across through to West Bay, I suppose, for a stagecoach. And she said, "I'll accompany you." He said, "Oh, no, you won't be able to keep up to me." "Oh, yes," she said, "I'll accompany you." So they started. And it was a moonlight night, he said, in the fall. And it was in the days when there were quite a few hold-ups, • A Place to Relax • VoUmer's Island Paradise CAPE BRETON, NOVA SCOTIA 15 min. from EXIT 46 on HWY. 104 on the Peninsula of JANVRINS ISLAND 'J'U- Cozily furnished LOG COTTAGES ALL COTTAGES ARE "NO SMOKING" Watersport Activities: • Windsurfing • Scuba Diving & Lessons • Canoeing Reservations: (902) 226-1507 (Fax 226-9853) L'AUBERGE ACADIENNE INN OPEN ALL YEAR! Acadian Cuisine in a traditional setting Newly Renovated. Luxury accommodations in a 19th Century period setting. At Arichat on Isle Madame Call: (902) 226-2200 St. Peters Drug Store Ltd. Proprietor Week Monday to Friday open until 8 p.m. Saturday open until 5 p.m. Don Stone, Ph. Open 6 Days 535-2203 St. Peters, Richmond County, N. S. 3 pages of great reasons to visit Richmond County
Cape Breton's Magazine
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