Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 65 > Page 54 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887

Page 54 - D.R. Boyle of West Arichat from a Richmound County Diary, 1887

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/1/1 (318 reads)

Sunday, Oct. 30: Raining and cold. Monday, Oct. 31: Fine. Again digging drains. Had a "furaig" and had the Dulhanties, Misses Beaton, Leiacheur, etc. Tuesday, Nov. 1st: Fine. Went to Arichat and to confession to Fr. La- ford. Went to Court House. Wednesday, Nov. 2: Fine. To Communion. Worked at drain a short spell. Thursday, Nov. 3: Dull. Cold. Did nothing to speak of. Friday, Nov. 4: Dull and raining. Saturday, Nov. 5: Dull, cold and windy • snow. Made a water closet In shade. Sunday, Nov. 6: Fine, but very cold. Bay smoking • an unusual thing this time of the year. Cline and LeLaucheur down. Monday, Nov 7: Dull and snowing. Sent Vautour off for Cline with a capias {ED.: a writ authorizing arrest) on DeCoste. Hamilton will likely take my offer of $15.00 for balance on Martell's books. They will write me shortly. Chs. LeBlanc and Edmund going to B. Columbia by sea. Marman down for me to is? sue capias on DeCoste for $26.00. Spry and Vautour to meet them at Ferry in morning. Tuesday, Nov. 8: Fine. Clive Benoit did not attend his trial. To Fr. B's last night and with him on board of Major bargained for 50 bushels potatoes, 5 oats and 5 turnips. On our return he alluded to Mrs. Doyle getting a letter from the Bishop conveying she got no absolution. Told him who wrote for her to cast suspision from myself. Dougald Robert Boyle Dougald Robert Boyle was born 10 September 1847 at Mabou, Inver? ness County, to Angus and Isabel (MacDonell) Boyle. During the 1870's he moved to West Arichat, Richmond County, where he was a public school teacher. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace on 31 December 1878 and sworn in to office 13 January 1879. On 8 November 1878 he married Mary Tyrrell born ca. 1854/1855, the daughter of Thomas and Catherine (Bowdren) Tyrrell of Arichat. Mary was born in the United States, but her father Thomas was probably the son of John and Mary (Nicholson) Tyrrell who lived in Arichat. Dougald and Mary had ten children, four boys and six girls: Mary Isabel, Catherine A., Joseph E., Angus, Cecilia, Lily, John, Thomas A., Lucy E., and Frances. Wednesday, Nov. 9: Cold and snowy looking. The Constable suc? ceeded yesterday after a hard bat? tle. Made $3.50 thereby • perhaps more. Have to write deeds and B/S for Peter King • this will be $1.50. Hope to be able to give Mauger at least $5.00 for now. Thursday, Nov. 10: Windy. Got grate fixed • mornings and evenings so short that nothing can be done. Have no servant girl and don't know where to look for one. Friday, Nov. 11: Dull, wind southwesterly. Calves doing better and last poultice will likely cure them of lice. Commenced feeding lightly and must feed light all through. Pig doing well and little one also. Will surely get potatoes today. Have only $4.00 to pay on them. Bound to be in a bad fix for want of money • hope to God 1 won't have to sacrifice. How will 1 get my winter meat? Saturday, Nov. 12: Dull. Off for squid and after a long search got but few baskets. Took muscels. Got wet cold, etc. Sunday, Nov. 13: Fine. Fr. B. on indulgences. To Arichat with Mury • no plough or wire • Fell in with Doane. Monday, Nov. 14: Dull, snow, squally. To see Remi for hauling squid, mus? cles & {word omitted) to upper field and haul down two loads muck. Bren The Boyles later moved to Melford probably to live with their daugh? ter Catherine who had married D. O'C. Doyle. Mary died at Melford on 18 September 1913 and Dougald on 11 June 1914, also at Mel? ford. They are both buried at River Denys. Our thanks to Phyllis Wagg of Borden, P.E.I., for preparing this information. Young reported killed coming home on the cars. Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Paon off today for Montreal. Got potatoes home, 50 bushels, 5 turnips, 5 oats. Tues? day, Nov. 15: Dull. Got stuff for henhouse and must commence it at once, placing a good size window on the eastern side, with a trough inside to catch droppings. Paid Majors $8.00 • $10.45 still due him. Must get a man for a couple of days at compost and if 1 get more squid for longer. But where am I to get a girl and how meet all bills? God help me! Wednesday, Nov. 16: Dull and rainy. Very high tides. Hector bothered by his nephew in Arichat. Thursday, Nov. 17: Dull. Got Remi hauling kelp • hope he'll haul a lot. Friday, Nov. 18: Fine. Off early and back fate with two loads of squid. Saturday, Nov. 19: Fine. Off again and got 3/ 4 loads squid. Remi making com? post and hauling kelp. Sunday, Nov. 20: Dull and rainy • windy. Fr. B. on gospel. Monday, Nov. 21: Dull. Sent Anderson billing & Co. $15.00 in full as agreed by them. I make from fifty to eighty on it. Must dun and collect all 1 can of the bal? ance. Tuesday, Nov. 22: Dull. Got squid hauled. Hector very nervous and wishes he had not started in Arichat. Ned Delorey paid me ten dollars. Elizabeth Cusack Walsh & Associates BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Preferred Areas Elizabeth Cusack Walsh, B A. (Hon.) Ll.B. • Personal Injury • Criminal Nancy M. Orkish, B.A., Dip.T.BACS, Ll.B • Corporate Commercial John W. Morgan, B.Sc, M.BA./Ll.B.* . Property • Wills & Probate Audrey (Heidi) Marshall, Article Student . I itioatinn . First Nations Law . , /, V' ?? n also of the Ontario Bar 564-8396 205 Charlotte Street • Sydney • Fax: 564'030 Wednesday, Nov. 23: Fine. Remi will haul half a day • perhaps the whole • then 1 must be satisfied with my share of kelp. 1 may get more squid Saturday if there are any but must kill pig first. Had din? ner at his reverence's. They nearly had a bad smash up coming from D'Escousse. Bot Rory McNeil's a/c $20.00 • half this fall and half next spring. Says he will deduct 40 for every lb short of 500. Was to P. Royal but saw no salmon. Thursday, Nov. 24: Dull. Remi will finish compost today. Summing up to 1st May all incomes will hardly clear me of debt • God help me. Must fix Jeffrey's assessment List tonight. Friday, Nov. 25: Fine. Out of butter. Will kill pig tomorrow. Hector regrets starting in Arichat and will pitch it shortly. Feel certain that I will be very much bothered for money this winter, but must trust in God. Saturday, Nov. 26: Dull and rainy. Killed pig • 260 lbs. To Arichat. Bonus came, D.G. County funds $12 plus. Paid Murman, Lesperance and Forest. Peter is trying to hold on to all. I am still $133 in his books. God grant that expenses for the rest of the year be small. Sunday, Nov. 27: Dull. Rory McNeil gone back on his bargain. Took a stroll in the woods. Members will be bothering me for money 1 know, but 1 can't help them. Monday, Nov. 28: Dull. No snow yet scarcely. Should slap up hen house this week. Tuesday, Nov. 29: Dull and rainy. Wrote to A.J. Mar- tell about book debts. Must write Billings and must go to Clury's to see his cattle and see Bob Grant about his heifer. Wednesday, Nov. 30th: Fine. Froze last night. Dressed some pickets and would like to get them driven be? fore ground is frozen. Drove some pickets. Thursday, Dec. 1: Frosty. To Confession & Communion. Must try to drive balance of posts tonight or at noon. Should try to get to Big Brook. Friday, Dec. 2: Fine. Got all garden posts driven and part of the poles put up. Must go to Cleury's after school to buy cow. As Doyle's schr. is in 1 must try to get the chald. coal Pat promised me. Paid Desire for taxes, including Landry's. He lent me $1.00 and paid me one dollar for my trouble. Saturday, Dec. 3: Fine. Got cow butchered early, 314 lbs. She cost $15.00, got $2.64 for the hide, had 750 tallow besides kidney; beef cost me a shade BETTENS CONSTRUCTION"'" General Contracting' :' Residential & Commercial FOUNDATIONS • FLOORS REINFORCED CONCRETE SLABS RAISING OF BUILDINGS Serving Cape Breton Since 1929 849-6566 849-7639 (FAX) • (PHONE) 157 MAIN STREET, GLACE BAY BIA 4Z1 54 Warren Gordon A new pictorial cookbook with photographs by Warren Gordon and recipes collected by Cordon Bleu ChefYvonne LeVert $22.95 (plus taxes and shipping) Gordon Photographic Ltd. 367 Charlotte Street Sydney, Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia BIP lEl • (902) 564-5665 • Caoe Breton
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