Page 17 - John Hart of Port Hood - a Scrapbook
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1976/12/1 (563 reads)bod - a Scrapbook ',jlllg|l|iipww*??iiyf''?? Tg' Hart: a. He'd think for hours. He'd lie on the counter in the store if there were no customers in. Scheming. He had an inven? tion for a diving suit for getting down to sunken submarines. And then he had one for trains, signals for railroad crossings that would come on automatic? ally. He made a windmill for sawing up the wood. It worked • only it wasn't on a swivel. ifVind would have to be a certain way. We sawed up the winter's wood for 2 years with it, when -p u'd get the pre? vailing wind. You'd have to watch for the day. He had a pulley from the windmill down to the circular saw • a big pulley a- bove and a small one down below • that made the saw go fast. Then he made a jack that you could set the hind wheels of the car on • made it with 3 pulleys. One fit to each hind wheel, then a pulley in the middle going to the saw. Start up the mo? tor in the old car, put it in gear • that turned the saw. vVe used that for a few years. Always scheming. He was great with young people. Up on the hill in town there was an old track. Used to get the boys in the evening, most of the young fellows, picks and shovels • we'd go up and spread the ashes around this track. Then he'd have them racing and high jumping. He was instrumental in getting a gym going. They got a bunch of stuff, bar? bells and all. He'd get them boxing. He wanted to get them in good shape, get them off the street. There was nothing to do in those days; there was no work for the kids. Get them organized. Get them playing ball, get them playing hockey. Moving and exer? cizing. Off the street. He was good with young people. rXiRfii'iMc'i'j P' 't'1'''' ' To the Commissioner of Patents. Ottawa. 1914 ...The said invention is for the purpose of preserving the bait on fishermen's trawls from becoming rotten or tainted. Said invention consists of a galvanized Iron Tub, marked A on the specification herewith, the side of said Tub along about one half of its circumference having in? dentations (from the inside) b,b,b,b, extending from the top to the bottom, said indentations being about 1 1/4 in. in depth by about 2 in. width. The trawl when being baited is coiled into the Tub A, and the baited hooks on the gauges attached to the trawl are at the same time placed in said indentations b,b,b,b. Figure B, represents a gal? vanized outside covering attached to the outside of Tub A, extending along the said indentations b,b,b,b, leaving a space of about 4 3/4 in. between said covering and the side of the Tub, and about 3 1/2,in. between said cover? ing and the extreme outside of said indentations. After the trawl is baited as already stated, the space between said covering and the outside of said tub is filled with a mixture of ice and salt which causes the bait on the hooks to freeze, and this bait can thus be kept fresh and intact for many days at a minimum cost during un? favourable weather when fishermen are prevented from setting their trawls, and fishermen are thus saved much extra labour in rebaiting their hooks, and saved the extra cost of bait, which is often not only dear but scarce. (signed) John S. Hart
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