Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 70 > Page 85 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame

Page 85 - A Visit with Frank Landry, 91. of Isle Madame

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1996/6/1 (142 reads)

gonna get the most money from (him)--the boy or the girl? He's living by himself all alone. That's not worth (anything). You know why? I got nothing, I live with my old age pension, I have a wonderful life. (How did you meet your second wife, Cecile?) You know, she was my first girl. That's an inter? esting story. And, of course, I was in the lighthouse when I was 17. And I went with her one win? ter. And she didn't have any? thing to do around here. I stayed here and on the very small wages. Well, she stayed in Sydney for 5 or 6 years.... She was away from me altogether and I was away from her. So she met somebody in Sydney, see. And, of course, I met a teacher down here. Frank's Lamong and Well, her husband died in Sydney. He was quite an important man. He was in the First World War, and he was an agent for Robin Hood Flour Mills. So he died and buried in D'Escousse, here.. This was his home.... So when she came (back) I was driving a taxi, and my wife was dead. I was 18 years a widower. So we met again and we married. She was my first girl. That's quite a story. (You went together for a year. But you were not so much in love that you could not part.) Oh, no, no. No, we were just beginning. If we'd have stayed (together) for five years love would have been stronger, I suppose! Listen, it took me Nightingale Nursing Services {21 24 hours; 7 days a week service {2 R.N.'s - C.N.A.'s {21 Homemakers & babysitters x{2l Care provided in home or hospital {21 Bonded & insured {21 Reasonable rates Full time r.n. nursing supervision Local People Professionally 465-9777 'jr*,':':''"'! 562-6274 DARTMOUTH r/KAZ 469-9250 SYDNEY about 5 or 6 years to pick up money enough to buy a bedroom set!... I had too much of an obligation to get married...with my mother to look after, my father had died, and then 5 younger than me. I was the breadwinner. The first property where I was born--they made a convent out of that. And it happened, you know, it happened funny. One of my daughters was to Ar? ichat. And she left the con? vent in Arichat to go to Three Rivers to join the nuns. There was three of them. So when she left, it took three years before ??.??.??*?? she was initiated to the congre- parents: . ?, , , _ Marie Landry gation. She had to go to France, fly to France for her last vow • cause it's a French organization, see. Les Filles de J6sus--the daughters of Jesus. So anyway, when she came back they opened a convent in D'Escousse. It was just a common house. So they bought the house that I was living in and they made a con? vent. They enlarged it and they made a convent hall. She was a nun in the same house that she was born! That's funny. That's just to tell you how things happen in the world, see. Years ago down here you'd look: The har- "The Inn with the View" " "Duck Cove Inrt SERVING ALL CAPE BRETON BLAND CANADA SELEQ B Licensed Air Conditioned Dining Room featuring On the Cabot Trail fresn seafoods _ _ ... and home cookmg Margaree Harbour • ea, vacation Nova Scotia BOE 2B0 headqi Phone (902) 235-2658 PeZed'atmospher. 1-800-565-9993 Your Hosts, Fax (902) 235-2592 The Laurences Gas Tank Replacements & Repairs For Personal Efficient Service: Call 539-2122 Sydney Radiator New Heaters & Radiators or Repairs We Service and Ship 121 Prince Street, Sydney Anywhere on cape Breton Island 20 Years a Family Business 2 Years Warranty on All Parts * We Accept VISA & MASTERCARD 85
Cape Breton's Magazine
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