Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 72 > Page 82 - William H. "Bull" Marah - Still Fighting

Page 82 - William H. "Bull" Marah - Still Fighting

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (161 reads)

thing that was in the pot. You didn't have to pry anything out of him. You know what I mean? He was an outstanding type of gen? tleman. Yeah--Tom Kent. He was the best president I ever ran into. (And of course, as you got along with him, people thought you were his sweetheart.) Oh, they said I was in bed with him. You get along good? No grievances here to? night. Marvellous." And I said, "I'm going to bed with Tom as long as he smells good enough to stay in bed with him!" Laughs. Oh, God. I went to see Tom. I said, "Boy. You better get one of those du? vets," I said, "when the winter's coming, for you and I sleeping together!" Laughs. Cape Breton I was in Lingan one night, and somebody said to me--I had a lot of friends there--"Aw, come on. Bull, you're in bed with that Tom Kent." You know. "Well," I said, "you know, Mr. Chairman, that's a pretty good statement. And," I said, "that's a true statement. Tom and I are defi? nitely sleeping together--to your advantage. But the question is this--you've got to ask your? self: Who's on top?" Laughter. Everybody start? ed to hoot! 'tenkln'"' A Warm Welcome Awaits You in HISTORIC LOUISBOURG Cape Breton, N.S. at the Bed &Breakfast; Home of Mrs. Greta Cross 48 Pepperell St. • (902) 733-2833 COMFORTABLE ROOMS FULL BREAKFAST HOME COOKING KITCHEN & LAUNDRY PRIVILEGES AMPLE PARKING SPACE OFF MAIN STREET QUIET AREA - SCENIC VIEW Double: $45.00 ? Single; $35.00 C CHILDREN WELCOME ) Bienvenue! Ciad Mile Failte! I said, "Why shouldn't I sleep with him? CONGRATULATIONS! Irving Oil is proud to have been a longtime supporter of Cape Breton's Magazine. You have preserved important local stories that would have been lost- important history, and good entertainment! We can think of nothing nicer than to have Cape Breton's Magazine and Irving Oil in your home. (902) 567-3000 Ivan C. Rand was appointed to assist the coal industry that was going out of busi? ness. (About '61 or something?) Yes. All right. What did they follow that with? They followed that with the Donald Report. In '66.... And he recommended that they phase the whole industry out. And the DOS- CO people were wiping their hands--they were quitting on it. They gave up on the industry. So then that's when the Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO) came in--the (federal) governmen't, through Pearson, accepting their social responsi? bilities. They appointed the Cape Breton Development Corporation (DEVCO) as a crown corporation. And one arm to look after the coal, to phase it out. DEVCO had a no- hiring policy. They let the normal attri? tion take care of any people that-- superannuation, and anybody that quit, or anybody that died, or anything like that-- they just didn't fill their places. For the social aspects of things, so you wouldn't slaughter the people in the area --in conjunction with phasing out (the coal mines) they put another arm there--an Industrial Development arm. Now, the In? dustrial Development arm failed miserably. They didn't get two jobs.... And the third part of it, they had a pre? retirement leave plan, and a compassionate pre-retirement leave plan. Take the older men out of the industry and keep the younger men in. See, the older men--they had no mobility, they couldn't go any? where. So the thing to do was pre-retire ''' Your public library has: "s!' How-to Books, Directories, Guides Census/Vital Statistics Records County and Local Histories Family Histories ''''ejq. Old Newspapers, etc. Library collections include materials in English, French, Gaelic, etc. The Local History and Genealogical Collection is concentrated on Inverness, Richmond and Guysborough counties - the library's service area. Eastern Countic* Qegional Library 390 Murray Street, P. O. Bag 2500 Mulgrave, Nova Scotia BOE 2G0 Telephone: (902) 747-2597 FAX: (902) 747-2500 email: [email protected] 82
Cape Breton's Magazine
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