Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 49 > Page 22 - From Talks with Matt Minglewood

Page 22 - From Talks with Matt Minglewood

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1988/8/1 (410 reads)

Join the Team... If You've Got the stuff, We've Got the Life! THE CANADIAN COAST GUARD COLLEGE Put some colour into your future: sea green, sky blue, and Canadian Coast Guard red and white. The Canadian Coast Guard College needs men and women with ambition, with mathematical and physics skills, and who know how to handle a challenge. A limited number of men and women are accepted each year for demanding programs in navigation and marine engin? eering. The Canadian Coast Guard College four year pro? gram is tough, but it pays off with a colourful career. • Free tuition, school expenses paid, and'a training allowance. • Guaranteed employment in your field after graduation. • Valuable, practical experience while attending college. • Modem private rooms, equipment and facilities for academic, physical and social activities. THE EXPERIENCE OF A LIFE TIME! Joignez-Vous a Notre Equipe... Nous Sommes La Pour Vous! LE COLLEGE DE LA GARDE COTIERE CANADIENNE Mettez des couleurs dans votre vie: celles de I'eau et du ciel, avec le rouge et blanc de la Garde cotiere can? adienne. Le College de la Garde cotiere canadienne a besoin d'hommes et de femmes ambitieux, forts en math'ma- tiques et en physique, et d6brouiHards. Un certain nombre d'hommes et de femmes sont rejus chaque ann'e S nos programmes de navigation et de m'canique mar? itime. Les quatre annSes de formation au College de la Garde c6ti??re canadienne exigent beaucoup mais assurent une carridre sans pareil. • Aucun frais de scolarit??, d'penses relives a la forma? tion toutes payees et allocation. • Emploi garanti dans le domaine d'6tudes. • Experience pratique et avantageuse pendant le sejour au College. • Chambres privies, 6quipement et installations des plus modernes pour les activites scolaires, sportives et sociales. UNE EXPERIENCE INOUBLIABLE! Registrar Canadian Coast Guard Coliege P. O. Box 3000 Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P6K7 902-564-3660 Le registraire Coildge de la Garde cdtidre canadienne C. P. 3000 Sydney (Nouveile-'cosse) B1P6K7 902-564-3660 chords, and here I am trying to get a band going, right? So that didn't work. But I went back to Monastery and played, and learned to play guitar. This fellow had gone by then. So I basically learned, my? self, after that--from that point on. (Was the priesthood still anjrwhere in your mind?) It was when I went there, when I first went there. But I really didn't--I got turned off on the priesthood. I proba? bly would have thought more about it had I not gone there. Because there were a lot of things I saw there that I didn't agree with, and I would fight it, you know what I mean? So I got in trouble a few times. Just arguing, and whatever. Fighting the system, sort of thing. Halfway through Grade ll--the second time up there--they asked me not to come back, because I'd gotten into a physical fight with a--they said I could, but they'd rath? er if I didn't. That's a long story.... And then I ended up in Thompson High School, which was a non-religious school in North Sydney. And this is where I started to get my first band together. We had a basement band. It was all it was-- we never got out of the basement. It was another basement band--actually an offshoot of that one--and we played one show one time, and I think there were 7 or 8 people there, counting the band--so I kind of fig? ured we needed some more work. But there was one person there (Jimmy Hiscock) who I knew he knew I sang. So he came to see me, and he had a band and it was called the Rocking Sainrtrs. So I started hanging around with them and eventually started getting up to play with them--you know, "Here's a spe? cial guest, a young guy"--you know, do a couple of songs. I eventually joined the band as an organ player/singer. That was probably 1965, I guess. From there, I played with that band for a couple of years, when I was playing Junior A hockey, and I was an electrician at the same time, and I was burning the candle at both ends and in the middle. By this time we were playing things like, you know, "96 Tears" by Question Mark and the Mysterians--things like that. But at this time Jimmy Hiscock, who was the singer for the Rocking Saints, was doing all pop stuff. He would be doing Roy Orbison--that was his claim to fame, his Roy Orbison im? personations, sort of. And he would do the hit songs, like the Number One, whatever it was. If it was 1910 Fruit Gum Company, he would be doing it. But I on the other hand was searching the blues and finding out where Elvis was getting his songs, and dis? covering the earlier guys, you know. (Can you name some of them?) Well, actual? ly, when I got into that--you mentioned the
Cape Breton's Magazine
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