Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 63 > Page 77 - A Story Told in Gaelic and in English - "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic"

Page 77 - A Story Told in Gaelic and in English - "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1 (225 reads)

Archie Alex Continues: giod a phaigheadh na tacsaichean 's na cisean eile. Ach, c6 dhiubh, 'nuair a fhu? air e a churachd 'san talamh 's na cao- raich air an rCisgadh 's a h-uile ni mar sin air doigh, bha an nis an gille bu shine mu sheachd bliadhna deug an uairsin, 's thubhairt Ruairidh ris a' mhnaoi an latha bha seo, a nis bho'n a bha Seumas Beag air tighinn gu ire gu'n robh e an duil ma dh'fhaoidte gun deanadh iad an gnothach leatha fhein 's gum b'fhearr dha'san falbh agus fiachainn ri treis de chosnadh fhaighinn an aiteigin gus an de? anadh e airgiod a phaidheadh na cisean. "Ach c'aite," ars ise, M'iri, "an teid thu?" "Well," thubhairt Ruaridh, "bha mi a' bruidhinn ri Eoghan M6r an latha reith- id agus thubhairt e rium gun cuala e gun robh b'taichean m6ra a tighinn a nail gu Halifacs agus gum biodh iad a fasdadh daoine ann an sin gus an luchdachadh, agus b'fhior thoigh leam fiachainn air Hali? facs, ach chan 'eil sgilinn agam a phaidh- eas am faradh." "0!" arsa M'iri, "a' Ruai? ridh m'eudail, ma 'se sin a tha toil agad- sa dheanamh, tha coig dollair agamsa a' chuir mi air falach an cul a chl6ic 'nuair a reic mi a chloimh an uiridh agus 'se l'n dith do bheatha dha." Fhuair Ruairidh na coig dollair agus thog e air latha arn-a-mhaireach gu Halifacs. 06 dhiubh, 'nuair a rainig e Halifacs, bha e ann an sin, mar a toirt iad, gu bronach Joe Neil Continues: thing in order--now the oldest son was about 17 years old. And Rory said to the wife this day, now, since Little James was after coming up to this state, that he thought that maybe that he could do--they could do by themselves, and that it would be better for him to go to try and get a spell of work, so he could get a little better money to pay the taxes. "But," Mary said, "but where will you go?" "Well," Rory said. "I was talking to Big Hugh the other day, and he told me that he heard there were big boats come into Hali? fax, and they would be hiring men there to load them. And I would like very much to try to go to Halifax, but I haven't got a penny that'll pay my fare." "Oh," says Mary, "Rory dear, if that's what you wish to do, I have 5 dollars that's hid in the back of the clock--I hid in the back of the clock when I was shearing sheep last year, and you're fully welcome to it." Make a Good First Impression! • Letterhead • Envelopes • Invoices ' Business Cards • Reports • Price Lists • Newsletters • Manuals • Resumes • Purchase Orders • Menus • Flyers • Brochures • Tickets • Booklets 562-2122 SYDNEY FAX #: 562-7937 • 200 Charlotte St. (near Dorchester St.) • CENTRES COAST TO COAST • PRINTING JOIN THE CELEBRATION! '" frthlm'fS"'"'"" SENIORS' EXPO proudly presents ~ for 3 performances ~ CARITOPtfSjHOWBAND JULY 15-18,1993 World Trade Centre & Halifax Metro Centre HAUFAX Tickets may be purchased at participating Sobeys Stores in the Maritimes beginning in June. $5.00/day or $10.00/4-day pass! (AT THE DOOR: $6.00/day or $ 11.00/4-day pass) ''S'' Province of Senior Citizens'Secretariat 1 ROYAL BANK WAirNas/a AirCanada THE Citadel Int'j Halifax THECHRONICIE-HERALD ' . m. The Mail-Star >ooey/* Swing to the Big Band Dance Sounds with the JOHN ALPHONSE ORCHESTRA at Thursday Night's Opening Dance PLUS performances by talented senior entertainers all weekend! PLUS Folk Singer CLARY CROFT & A COAST OF DIFFERENCE • PLUS ~ Saturday ~ Those Fabulous Singing Miners: THE MEN OF THE DEEPS! For more information, please contact: Seniors' EXPOj P.O. Box 2065, Halifax, NS B3J 2Z1 • (902) 424-7957
Cape Breton's Magazine
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