Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 63 > Page 78 - A Story Told in Gaelic and in English - "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic"

Page 78 - A Story Told in Gaelic and in English - "Tachraidh na Daoine far Nach Tachair na Cnuic"

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1993/6/1 (244 reads)

air aineol 's gun ach aon dollair na pho- ca. Cha robh fios aige fo Dhia c6 taobh a thionnddadh e. Thug e suil sios d'dh'ionn- saidh na h-acarsaid agus d4 chunnaic e ann an sin ach blita mdr 6ireachdail a bha ceangal suas ris a chidhe. Well, smaoin- tich e air an rud a bha Eoghan M6r ag inn? se dh' agus thubhairt e ris fh'in gum b'fhearr dha fiachainn sios a dh'ionnsaidh a bh'ta, gun fios nach faodadh e obair fhaighinn an sin. Bha e ag coiseachd sios sraid a chladaich c6 dhiubh 's smaointich e gun cuala e trie daoine ag radha gur h-e maraichean ainmeil a bha ann am muinntir nan eileanan, gu h-araid na Barraich 's gum biodh uamhas dhiubh a seoladh air na bataichean a bha tadhal Halifacs. agus thubhairt e ris fhein co aige tha fios nach faodadh gum biodh cuideigin a Eilean Bharraidh air a bhata tha se6. Stad e air a chidhe 's chuir e roimhe a cheud dhuine a thigeadh an rathad gum bruidhneadh e Gaidhlig ris. Cha b'fhada gus am faca e an duine bha seo a tighinn agus 'nuair a thainig e an aite bruidhneadh dh' thubhairt Ruairidh, "Cia mar a tha sibh a diugh, a dhuine." Fhreagair am fear eile, "Tha mi gu math." C6 bh' se6 ach far, Aon- ghas MacFhionghuinn a6, Eilean Bharraidh. Well, chuir iad f&ilte; air a cheile agus cha robh fada gus an robh an dithis aca air a bh'ta agus gabhal dram. Bha pairt eile de sgioba a bhata & Barraidh cui- Beautiful Bras d'Or In'tes You? HILLTOP • BEEF • CUT AND WRAPPED FOR YOUR FREEZER • Front Quarter $1.79 lb. • Hind Quarter $2.39 lb. • Side of Beef $1.89 lb. Fresh Pork by the Side $1.39 lb. And Rory got the 5 dollars, and he took them with him the next day to go to Hali? fax. Oh, but when he reached Halifax, he was there, as they say, too sad and lone? ly, and with but the one dollar in his pocket. And he didn't know from God which side to turn to. He glanced down towards the harbour, and what did he see there but a beautiful large boat tied up to the pier. Well, he thought on what Big Hugh was telling him, and he said to himself that he'd better try down to the boat, without, perhaps, that he could find some work there. He was walking down on the street by the shore--I guess that's Water Street--and he thought that he often heard people saying that it was notable seamen from the Islands, and especially from Bar? ra- -that many of them would be sailing on the boats that were calling at Halifax. And he said to himself, who knows but that there wouldn't be somebody from the Isle of Barra on the boat that's here. And he stopped on the pier, and he made up his mind the first person that would come in the road, that he would speak Gaelic to him. And it wasn't long till he saw this man coming. And when he came within the distance that he'd speak to him. Big Rory said, "How are you today, man?" And the other man answered, "I am well." And who was this but a man by the name of Angus MacKinnon, from the Isle of Barra. Well, they greeted one another, and it wasn't long until the two of them were on the boat, and taking a dram. There were more of the crew on the boat from Barra, and Big Rory himself was very glad to be • COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICES TRAILER SERVICES and AUTO GLASS • complete line of RV parts & accessories • service to all makes & models of trailers • canvas repair & replacement, boat tops, etc. • windshield repair & replacement • flat, plate & mirrored glass • custom accessories; sunroofs, running boards, etc. WE DO IT ALL AND KEf9Rf999 Trans-Canada Highway I WE DO IT RIGHT! Wi'uU*i??Wm BRAS D'OR Sid's Machine Shop in BRAS D'OR Box 758, RR 1 736-9118 : • • Diesel & Hydraulic Repairs Millwrighting Services General Welding: Aluminum & Stainless GEORGE MacNEIL MEATS ?-td. POINT ACONI 736-8249 ROAD • 736-3518 Now! is the time to fill your freezer for the long Winter ahead! "ARM OF GOLD" Campground & Trailer Park AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ! - COME EARLY! Open Field on Lake • 35 Acres • Sewage Disposal Tables • Rec Hall Groceries • Ice Laundromat • Canteen 46 UNSERVICED SITES OPEN MAY 15 to OCTOBER 1 Phone (902) 736-6516 or 736-6671 on Route 105 at Little Bras d'Or, Cape Breton 2miUsjramll>lenffaundhm'crry Bras d'Or: A Cape Breton Island Centre
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