Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 66 > Page 25 - Awkward Donald / Domhnall Clibisteach

Page 25 - Awkward Donald / Domhnall Clibisteach

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/6/1 (234 reads)

Awkward Donald/Domhnall Clibisteach Joe Neil MacNeil Tells in English a Gaelic Story First Told by Archibald J. MacKenzie of Grand Narrows (Joe Neil, what's the title of this story?) Domhnall Clibisteach-- Awkward Donald. (And the author?) Archibald J. MacKenzie--he's Archie Alex's father--he was the one that recorded it. It's not a true story, it's made up. That's why it's so difficult to translate, you know, to get it in place. Those fellows, they had the poetic imagination. Things that weren't true at all, of course, they had it all in there. Awkward Donald was only just a character, that a story was made up, and all the different people that went in that story. It's only made up. (There wasn't anybody like Awkward Donald in the community?) Well, there could be people that were just as bad as him, but there was none especially--none in particular.... Awkward Donald In the Fox Glen, a special locality in Cape Breton, that's where Awkward Donald was born and brought up. He was a man that was kind of shy by nature. And it was no cure for that failure, the place that he was brought up. Naturally, peo? ple 'd be taking advantage.... I heard old people say that "the mishap would be fol? lowing in the track of the awkwardness." And the history of Donald would prove how truthful those words were. There's many a great spell of shame that he had. But he would say himself that the day that he was married, and the day that he was mow? ing without the trousers at all, are the two worst days that ever came in his time. Joe Neil chuckles. Oh, I guess it was pretty bad. ENGUSH CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE Domhnall Clibisteach Ann an Gleann an t-Sionnaich, an ceann 'raidh de Cheap Breatainn, chaid Ddmhnall Clibisteach a bhreith is 'rach. Bha e 'n a dhuine n'rach, diiiid bho n'dar; agus cha bu l'igheas dha air na f'illinnean sin an t-'ite 's an deachaidh a thogail. Chuala mi seann duine ag r'dh, "gum biodh na tu- baistean an lorg nan clibistean," is dhearbhadh eachdraidh Dh6mhnaill cho firinneach 's a tha na briathran sin. 'S iomadh n'ire mh6r a ghabh e, ach theireadh e fh'in gum b'e an latha a ph6s e, agus an latha a bha e a' spealadh 's gun an triub- has idir air, an d' latha bu mhiosa thiinig air riamh. Bha iongnadh mh6r air a luchd-e61ais cia? mar a fhuair Ddmhnall de mhisneach 's na GAELIC CONTINUES ON NEXT PAGE MacDOMHNALL CONTRACTORS ltd • New Homes & Renovations • Quality Workmanship • Best Prices on the Island RETIREMENT HOMES • TWO STOREY • L-SHAPES| BUNGALOWS • SPLIT ENTRIES • CAPE GOD ETC. G.S.T., P.S.T. REBATES AVAIUBLE Plans Available for Custom Housing • 5-Year Warranty • Free Estimates • Financial Information Available ALSO, BUILDING LOTS AVAILABLE: Mountain View Subdivision & Memorial Road Subdivision SCENIC VIEW OF HARBOUR King Street, Sydney Mines PAUL736-2438 OFFICE 736-2438 MICHAEL562-8457 The first choice for fine food and lodging on the Cabot Trail The Normaway is proud to be able to share a part of Cape Breton's culture. Enjoy traditional music, nightly films, a choice selection of Cape Breton books and records, traditional Cape Breton entertainment most spring and fall weekends. You don't have to be a guest of the Inn to enjoy a Normaway evening. Dinner served from 6 to 9 p.m., June 15 to October 15. Reservations suggested. THE NORMAWAY INN 902-248-2987 or 1-800-565.9463 P.O. Box 142, Margaree Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada BOE 2C0
Cape Breton's Magazine
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