Page 26 - Awkward Donald / Domhnall Clibisteach
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/6/1 (247 reads)And many people of his acquaintance won? dered however Donald got the courage to ask of Clever Katherine to marry him. But Sharp-Pointed Rory, one that knew every? thing, was saying that he didn't ask for her, that it was this way it happened: that they came together to agreement. As many of the old people remember. Clever OPEN 9 to 9 16 Flavours of Ice Cream! Fresh Fruit Sundaes 10''' CODNTRY MARKET 7 DAYS A WEEK Fresh Baked Goods Crafts Fresh Cape Breton Vegetables WHYCOCOMAGH • 756-9042 ON THE TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY, ROUTE 105 J thug dha comas air Catriona Ghleusda iar- raidh gus a p6sadh, ach bha Ruairidh Bio- rach, a fear aig an robh fios air a h-uile rud, ag rlidh, "nach dh'iarr e riamh i; gur th'ann mar so a thachair dhaibh tighinn gu cdrdadh." Mar tha cuimhne aig roinn de na seann daoine, bha Catriona Ghleusda is a m'thair, bantrach Mhurchaidh na Giomalaid, a' fuireach ann an Lag nan Cliatan, fagus do'n 'ite aig D6mhnall, is gach dm cur no buain, b'e esan a bhiodh aca 'n a sheirb- heasach. Bha toil a cridhe aig Catriona air D6mhnall a chur 'n a lion, oir bha fi? os aice gum bu toigh leis i, ged nach robh de mhisneach aige na dh'iarradh i. An la? tha bha sud an Am na buana, bha iad le ch'ile a' deanamh cruaich-e6rna; is 'n uair th'inig an t-dm chaidh ise dhachaidh gus am biadh a dheasachadh. B'e an latha ,w' Come for the summer, '..'' stay for the fall colours • ' you are welcome to VICTORIA COUNTY C' Brunswick Make Victoria County the centre of your stay in Cape Breton. Hiking, swimming and golfing, motels or camping, music and dance, museums' and craftspeople • Victoria County is a world to explore. And it's an excellent base from which to reach all other parts of the island. "S' ' • "' • H??tboor "'/t. "-'' ' '; "'x'. SUMMER OF 1994 Centre Bras d'Or Festival of the Arts Baddeck: JULY 15 - AUGUST 20 Mike MacDougall Memorial Festival Ingonish Ferry: JULY 9 Field of Dreams Festival VaUey of Big Baddeck: JULY 30 Regatta Week Bras d'Or Yacht Club, Baddeck: AUG. 7 -14 Nova Scotia Gaelic Mod Gaelic College, St. Ann's: AUGUST 11 to 14 Highland Village Day lona: AUGUST 6 "CIAD MILE FAILTE" One Hundred Thousand Welcomes VICTORIA COUNTY The Warden, Councillors, and Residents Take time to meet the people of Victoria County. Victoria County Is a Year 'Round Joy! Whether it's a Summer sailing regatta, Winter Alpine and cross-country skiing, or driving and hiking through the Autumn • we invite you to join us, and ... Enjoy Victoria County • We Do!
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