Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 67 > Page 50 - Through an Ocean Storm to the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1750

Page 50 - Through an Ocean Storm to the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1750

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1 (230 reads)

towards the end of the year 1746. The pleasures of that city made me immediately forget my past troubles, and blinded me even to the future. I remained there in a kind of lethargy, allow? ing opportunities of being advantageously settled in Russia or in Spain to escape, in the hope that the Court of France would still make some attempt in favour of Prince Edward to re? establish his affairs in Scotland; and it was not till the Prince was arrested in 1748, and conveyed beyond the realm, in con? sequence of the Peace of Aix-la-Chappelle, that I opened my eyes, forced then to think of the means of subsistence and of obtaining a situation. Madame the Marchioness of Mezieres Douairiere and Lady Ogilvie having recommended me strongly to M. the Marquis of Puysieulx, then secretary of state for for? eign affairs, that minister took me immediately particularly un? der his protection, and granted me during the year 1749 two thousand two hundred livres from the fund of forty thousand livres which His Majesty had granted to be distributed in annu? al gifts to the unfortunate Scotch, who had had the good fortune of saving themselves in France, with the loss of their estates, and to escape perishing on the scaffold in England. Seeing M. Puysieulx very well disposed in my favour, and be? lieving that I should still farther ingratiate myself in his esteem and good graces, by entering into die service, in order to render my youth useful, rather than live at Paris in idleness, under the bounty of the king, which this minister had caused me to ob? tain, I begged him to let me have a company of infantry at St. Domingo or at Martinique. All the Scotch in the suite of Prince Edward having been placed by M. the Count of Argenson with the same rank in the service of France which they had with the Prince in Scotland, and being an old captain in his army by my commission of the date of the 21st of September, 1745, which the Prince had given me the very evening of the Battle of Glad- smuir (Prestonpans), as soon as we were on our retum from Pinkey House, where he passed the night, I had every hope of receiving the same treatment. But M. Rouille, newly elected minister of marine, and more conversant with the commerce of the Indies than with military affairs, in place of granting me the request of M. Puysieulx, to have my company, caused make out for me a commission as ensign in the troops attached to the ma? rine, at the Isle Royal. I refused it at first with indignation and • Weekly public tours of exhibitions, Sunday at 2:00pm UQQ||m||||||| • Exhibitour series of Sunday aftemoon tours of special ?' /'' exhibitions by the Curator or Artist closed Tuesday: • First Thursday series of lectures by distinguished visitors 10am-5pm to the AGNS (free admission) • TuesdaylLunch? series of noon hour lectures, discussion Wednesday-Friday: and films 10am-5pra • Young people and family workshops j 2 noon-5pm • Children's Saturday classes and March Break Programs Prom June i to August 31, Thursday hours are • Pre-arranged group tours for your club, organization or class extended to 9pm. Nominal admission AcadianHookedRugS cmL IZyearsand CHETICAIi'??K?NfimES" under free U Noveittkr 1994 to It lamary 1995 4trt Gallery NOVA SCOTIA 1741HollisatCheapside For information Caul 424-7542 oh 424-3002 Halifax, Nova Scotia obstinacy, not being able to endure the thought of that humiliat? ing and revolting degradation of an officer who had served well; and it was not but on the repeated orders of M. Puysieulx, joined to his assurances not to leave me a long time shamefully with a subaltern's commission, after having served at the head of my company during the whole expedition of Prince Edward in Scotland, of which the progress we had there made, and the battles we had gained, against forces greatly superior in num? ber, had attracted the attention and astonishment of all Europe, that I consented in the end to accept it. I departed forthwith to Rochefort, with full confidence in the promises of M. Puy? sieulx, to wait there for my embarkment to the Isle Royal, the worst place there is in the world. I found at Rochefort three newly appointed officers, in the Che? valier Montalambert, the Chevalier Trion, his cousin, and M. Frene, who had obtained their complements also for Isle Royal. Friendships are easily contracted among military men, and the same destination attached us with mutual sentiments of friend? ship, so much the more that all the three were of excellent char? acter and of the sweetest society. OUR EMBARKATION HAVING BEEN ORDERED to be in die "Iphigenie," a merchant vessel freighted for the king, be? longing to M. Michel Roderick, a ship master of Rochelle, we departed immediately from Rochefort, and on our arrival at Ro? chelle, we found the crew of the "Iphigenie" revolted, with the carpenter at their head, who wished to make their declarations at the Admiralty that the vessel was entirely unseaworthy and not at all in a state to continue the voyage. Roderick asked us to dinner, and during the repast he never ceased to assure us that his vessel was excellent, that if he should go himself to Louis? bourg, of which he was a native, he should embark therein with his family, in preference to every other ship of Rochelle, and that the bad reputation of the "Iphigenie" was the effect of jeal? ousy of his brother shipmasters, who had seduced his crew and excited them to revolt. However specious was the persuasive eloquence of Roderick, my companions did not place entire confidence in his deluding words, but I was his dupe in full. Thus could it ever be imagined that there existed on earth a man so depraved and devoid of all feeling of humanity who, for vile lucre's sake, could expose nearly three hundred persons to perish; having with us two hundred recruits, besides a great many passengers and the crew. Persuaded myself of the good faith of Roderick, I had no great difficulty in bringing over my companions to my opinion that it was only jealousy of the ship? owners, who had raised these disadvantageous reports of the "Iphigenie," and having allayed the sedition of the sailors, we all embarked on the 28th of June, 1750, and on the 29th, St. Pe- Cape Breton Auto Radiator co RADIATOR HOSES • REPAIRING • CLEANING • RECORING p.-.?' ' COMPLETE CYLINDER HEAD SERVICE __. 518 Grand auto * truck * industrial Sydney Lake Road Complete Line of Gas Tanks 564-6362 • NOW DOING AUTOMOBILE AIR CONDITIONING • The first choice for fine food and lodging on the Cabot Trail The Normaway is proud to be able to share a part of Cape Breton's culture. Enjoy traditional music, nightly films, a choice selection of Cape Breton books and records, traditional Cape Breton entertainment most spring and fall weekends. You don't have to be a guest of the Inn to enjoy a Normaway evening. 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Cape Breton's Magazine
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