Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 67 > Page 51 - Through an Ocean Storm to the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1750

Page 51 - Through an Ocean Storm to the Fortress of Louisbourg, 1750

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1994/8/1 (230 reads)

ter's Day, we weighed anchor at the break of day, and departed immediately in fine weather and with a favourable wind. The next day after our departure, having doubled Cape Finis- terre, we were convinced when too late of the perfidy and bad faith of Roderick, and of the folly of which we had been guilty in believing him. The "Iphigenie," which, according to the dec? laration of the crew during Sieir mutiny, had made twelve feet of water per hour in the harbour of Rochelle, being then in full sea, took twenty-four feet per hour; and Fremont, the captain of the vessel, who could no longer conceal the deplorable state of the ship, came to ask an arrangement with us to have our sol? diers continually to pump and work the ship. The crew, which consisted only of forty seamen, good and bad, was not suffi? cient for it. We had the half of our detachment of two hundred men, of which M. Montalambert had the command, who took their tum with the sailors, sixty of whom were ordered to the pump, to be relieved at every quarter of an hour by the others on the muster roll, by tums. A short time after, we had again a frightful proof of the total rottenness of our ship by the loss of our mizen-mast, which fell upon the deck, and did not fail in its fall to drag after it our main-mast, the socket, rotten like the rest of the ship, having given way. The foot of the mizen-mast entered the cabin, plunging rapidly through the partition wall. M. Montalambert, who at that moment was opposite, escaped as by a miracle from being cmshed, by jumping aside. It was still more fortunate that this disaster happened to us at nine o'clock in the moming, dur? ing very fine weather, and with a Ught favourable breeze, which enabled the sailors to stop up in a short time the rents of the hold, and the mast, and the shrouds; otherwise we would have mn a very great risk of perishing on the spot. All our hopes of being able to escape death were in the arms of our two hundred soldiers, and in the fine weather we had, in place of hoping to have, in the fine season. Vain hopes as to the weather! We had continually to experience blasts of wind the most violent, as if we had been in the very midst of winter, one amongst the others, to the height of mountains, carried off our top-masts and our sails, by shivering them as sheets of paper, and a swell of the sea drowned our sheep and fowls, and our other provisions. I5''?> BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Senator's Place, Third Floor, 70 Main Street GLACE BAY, NS BIA 4X9 Telephone 849'544 • Fax 849'549 Glace Bay • New Waterford • Dominion • surrounding area STEPHENS Building Supplies 01 udget uild P? Invoice Basis • In Store RnancJng NolAvalaUetoConlractw Polains to Amounts t2SO-$3,000. NO INTEREST PROGRAMl NO INTEREST, NO DOWN PAYMENT, UP TO 60 DAYS BEFORE YOUR 1ST PAYMENT! Divide your total bill by 5 • you pay that amount for 5 montiis. Example: July 2nd your purchase to? tals $1,000. You have 'til August 31st before you make your 1st payment. Divide your total purchase $1000 / 5 = $200. You pay $200 for 5 months. 199 Townsend Street, Sydney 564-5554. Free Computerized Estimates To complete our miseries, our water, which, by an atrocious and hateful rascality of Roderick, had been put into old casks where there had been formerly wine, became so completely cormpt in less than six weeks after our departure, tumed black as ink, thick as paste, and so truly infectious as to be no longer fit to be dmnk. But these were the least of our misfortunes, compared to our frightful and deplorable situation, having death always be? fore our eyes, and the idea continually impressed strongly on the mind diat the "Iphigenie" should plunge us some day into the deep sea; and when the wind was favourable, they durst not attempt to navigate the ship but with very small sails, fearing lest our other two masts should tumble as our mizen-mast had done. Thus we were without a prospect of quickly seeing a fa? vourable termination to our cmel distresses and sufferings; but on the contrary, that they would be of long duration, and that we should be for a long time between life and death. Having experienced nine different squalls of wind since the 29th of June, that we were at sea, heaven reserved us still for the tenth, a furious tempest on the 10th of September, the most frightful. We had a dead calm during the whole day of the 9th, but at midnight the wind began to rise, and continued to in? crease until it became a perfect hurricane, and of the most in? credible violence. Foaming, it descended the cabin at nine o'clock in the moming, to wam us to prepare for death. It told us that there was no other hope of saving ourselves and avoid- Cape Breton Boarding Kennels MODERN HEATED FACILITY FOR DOGS AND CATS • Open 12 Months • Indoor - Outdoor Dog Kennels • New Cattery Separate Building from the Dogs • Certification of Vaccination Required 737-2281 R. R. #1, GLACE BAY, N. S. Go ACADIAN 4 TRIPS DAILY BETWEEN SYDNEY & HALIFAX TRIP 72 - Daily pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY, LITTLE BRAS D'OR. BIG HARBOUR, BADDECK, LITTLE NARROWS, WHYCOCOMAGH. PORT HASTINGS, PORT HAWKESBURY, & others (TRURO 1:15 P.M. VIA RAIL connection) TRIP 64L - Daily pick ups in: NORTH SYDNEY (11:25 A.M.), BADDECK (12:15 P.M.), WHYCOCO- MAGH(12:45 P.M.), ANTIGONISH (2:00 P.M.) 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