Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 74 > Page 58 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Page 58 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (222 reads)

and the GMC took off and went. And before I took off, I come across the barren there, you know. It was bad; you had to watch--halfway, right across the end of the barren there, down the barren she goes. Well, there were three cars behind with the men in them. It didn't take no more than five minutes to unload that, load that txruck. Pushed that truck, brought her out of the hole, shoved her ediead emd load? ed her up again. The cars went emd we took off. My job was to go down the next morning, see if there was any sign. But that night after we got home, it rained. It was a perfect lemding. There wasn't a track to be seen, there was nothing to be seen in there. Lena: The Devil's good to his own. Ranald: So did anyone ever get arrested a- round here? Jiimtiv: No, nobody got arrested. Flora: In Framboise, they did. Ranald: What happened there? Lena: Well, somebody informed on them. Flora: Yeah, somebody squealed on them emd three guys were arrested. Rov: Two. Flora: Yeah but there were three. One fella got out of it. I don't remember that third fella, but Malcolm Dan emd Dem Norman, they went to Ari- When you're c' in the neighbourhood Drop by J for the Keltic Lodge invites you to drop b >' by for a visit. We welcome you to enjoy our facilities, even if you're not planning to stay for the night. Explore our spacious grounds. Hike the Middle Head Trail and expe- ' . rience one of the most spec-tacular (JJJV views that the Cabot Trail ''''y • • • I has to offer. Golf the challenge of Highlands Links. Then stop for a snack at The Atlantic Restaurant or a light lunch at The Highland Sitting Room. Browse through The Birch Tree Gift Shop and select a memento from our collection of fine crafts and distinctive gifts. Come evening, our hospitality continues. (V' Sample the gourmet cuisine for which The Purple Thistle Room is renowned. Then top off your day with traditional Island music in the sitting room or an evening of drama in Ceilidh Hall - "The Theatre on the Cliff". There's something for everyone and everyone is welcome. KElJygPGF The Spirit of the Highlands The Atlantic Restaurant The Highland Sitting Room The Purple Thistle Room The Birch Tree Gift Shop "The Theatre on the Cliff" 902'z85--288o Middle Head Peninsula, Ingonish Beach, NS BOC 1 LO chat. Rov: Roddie, wasn't it, Roddie MacLeod too?... Flora: Oh, yes, that was the third guy. He was such a comical guy, that Roddie. Rov; See, a lot of those people at that time had adopted a boy to work, to do some work for them. An4 this young fellow wanted to borrow the horse. Flora: He had a date. Roy: He had a date and he couldn't borrow the horse from his stepfather or whoever he was. Flora; That was Dem Normem with the George Alison horse. Roy: And Dem Normem wouldn't give him the horse for the date, the horse emd sleigh. Flora: Because he was going to go to the lemding. And he couldn't tell him either, what he was doing. Rov: He was going to go to the landing and use the horse, I guess. So emyway, the boy squealed on them. Flora: And he left and never came back. Jinmv: Where did he ever go to? Anybody ever hear of him? Rov: I think he went to Halifax. Halifeuc. Flora: Some people saw him different places but he was scared to go back. Roy: Oh, yes, he just ran away then. Flora: But you know, speaking of treasures, you remember they thought there was a treasure over at our brook there? Jimmy: Yes, yeeJi. Flora: Well, there was this lady, a Ferguson lady, worked in Boston, and she had this dream emd it was so clear in her mind, the dream. And the rock emd the two stunqps and here was the treasure buried there. And he even told her who to teOce with her to dig it up. She was supposed to teUce my mother and my father and Dan Ewan, her brother, and they were supposed to go. Well, my father wouldn't go. He says, "I don't want to have anything to do with it!" But my mother went with her, and Dan Ewem chickened out too. He didn't wemt to go. Of course, they didn't go. They were too scared to go, just the two of them. So she went back to the States and had the exact same dream. So she came home and she spoke to my mother. Kate Ferguson said, "Look, you know we gotta do something edx>ut this." So my mother spoke to John. John MacLeod--you know your cousin John from Gedaarus Hill. Jimmy: Oh, yes. Flora: He used to come out with one of those mineral rods. And she asked him to go down emd go around there. And sure enough the mineral rod would hop all over the place iSUBuinv' 4 Great Locations to Serve 1102 King's Rd. SYDNEY RIVER 567-1499 You 403 Charlotte St SYDNEY 539-SUBS 326 Commercial St. NORTH SYDNEY 794-SUBS 130 Commercial St. GLACE BAY 849-SUBS 58
Cape Breton's Magazine
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