Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 74 > Page 59 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Page 59 - A Visit With the MacLeods at Belfry

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1999/6/1 (174 reads)

and go crazy when he'd go around there. So, emyway. it was just postponed and, and she died suddenly in the States. Her body ceutie home and she was buried here. So my mother always talked edx>ut this treas? ure. And so, one day, and she doesn't know if it was somebody • Hector • playing a trick or what. She was going to the mail or something emd she looked down emd here was all this dig? ging done in the exact spot! And there was even, she said, rusty marks, where they had pails or something put to the side. So, who know? Could've been a treasure from Louis? bourg. Jimmv: Could've been Hector. Flora: Could've been Hector playing a trick too, be? cause my mother talked a lot ed}out the treas? ure up the brook. Ranald: Was there moonshining around here? Jimmv: Not too much of it. I guess there was the odd one around here. There must have been the odd still aroimd, I don't know. They didn't have to meJce moonshine. Flora: No. That's true. They had the real stuff, I guess. Rov: I think every farmer mostly • I wouldn't say every farmer • a lot of the farmers made some stuff that would be good for a drink for haymedcing time. Most of the farmers would make something. I know that my father made some? thing. I forget what he called it but I remem? ber when we were kids, my brother gave some to a hired help we had for making the hay emd he got sick on it • he dremk too much. Flora: Poor guy. Rov: My father emd mother were away this night and I remember Peter emd I with Neilan, and Neilem cut him off, you know. A little bit too much of this stuff emd he just got sick as a dog. I remember that. Jimmv: They used to xnake beer too, some kind of beer. Roy: I don't know, some concoction • whatever it was. Flora: Yeah, I'm trying to think of the name of that stuff. Jimmv: What CAPE CARE SERVICES Quality Personal Care ('996) ltd. f Serving All > 'Cape Breton' ..caring for people you love" - AT HOME OR IN HOSPITAL ~ • RN's (and RN Foot Care Specialists) • CNA's • Blood Work • Screened • Bonded • Insured • Home Care Workers • Reasonable Rates FREE IN-HOME ASSESSMENT did they call it? Bull beer. Flora: Bull beer. Jimmy: There was a seed emd some grew it with a California seed, did you ever hear of that? You put it down emd eight hours, they used to say, you had a brew made. Flora: Brew. Yes, yes, yes, home brew. Jimmv: Oh, I guess it would give you a • you know, it would give you a.... Rov: Oh, he drank too much of it anyway but I remember--I can never forget • he used to put his hemd in his mouth to see... Flora: Oh, Roy, don't tell this! Roy: • if he could throw up. Flora: Poor guy. Roy: I cem remember the words he used to say,... "I was never so sick in my life!" Ranald: My gremdmother and her sisters, they'd all teiken the pledge at a very young age emd they were very down on drinking, and I Roy: Is that so? Flora: Yes. Ranald: Yeah, I'm just wondering what the general attitude was out here. Jimmy: Well, out here, there were Sons of Temperance, remember that? Flora: Yes, I remember. Jimmy; Everybody arotmd here--Johnny Alex up here, used to drink out of this world-- everybody around here joined the Sons of Tem- peremce. Flora: I joined that emd Philip joined in that. Jimmy: Did you? I didn't drink so I didn't see emy sense in it. Flora: Well I joined it, I thought--I wasn't drinking ei? ther. My goodness! Jimmv: They had meetings up in the hall, you know. Temperance. Flora: Yes, but I remember Johnny Alex was a peddler, peddled lambs to Waterford emd Glace Bay emd where-not. And some nights, he'd be so 282 GEORGE STREET • SYDNEY • PHONE 562-2444 • FAX 539-7210 NOW AT 616 Keltic Drive SYDNEY Motor Cycle Shop 539-7644 • 539-1730 FOREMAN* 400 . THE FUTURE OF ATVs • Super-low first gear • 5-speed transmissioa with reverse • 395cc single-cylinder air-cooled 4-stroke engine At$25aOOO, Nova Scotia credit unions now have tlie liighest deposit insur? ance protection of any financial institution in the province. Through the Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation (CUDIC) credit unions now offer coverage up to $250,000 on a range of accounts, including 1250,000 coverage on your primary savings and chequing accounts, as well as on each of your separately held joint and trust accounts, plus full coverage for each of your RRSP, RRIF or RESP con? tracts. This unique flexi- , bility provides the poten? tial for unlimited cover- With deposit insurance up to '250,000 Nova Scotia Credit Unions offer the best coverage possible. Nova Scotia cudic Credit Unions (' 59
Cape Breton's Magazine
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