Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 19 > Page 37 - New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745

Page 37 - New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1 (276 reads)

night the moon was too bright. Another night the men were considered too drunk. Finally, on the night of 6 June, 400 New Englanders rowed out and landed on the is? land. They muffled the oarlocks on the whaleboats, rowing in dead silence. They landed. They got out of the whaleboats. They'd made it. And someone, with a little more rum than good sense, raised three cheers, which alarmed the French garrison. They manned the walls, blasted away with cannon and musket • the men still in the boats pulled away. Those on the shore en? gaged in a fire fight which lasted from the very early hours of the morning till about dawn • at which point it was obvious that they couldn't hope to get away. Some tried to swim back. And it ended up with 60 killed and II6 taken prisoner • the worst fiasco of the whole siege. With the defeat of this attack, the New Englanders tried to reduce the Island Bat? tery by cannon fire from Lighthouse Point. Toward the latter part of May they had oc? cupied the Lighthouse Point (Arrow #24), but had done nothing with it. Now, as Shirley reported, "When the Mortar began to play from the Light-house Battery upon Island Battery; out of 19 Shells, 17 fell within the Fort, and one of them upon the Magazine, which, together with the Fire from the Cannon, to which the Enemy was very much exposed, they having but little to shelter them from the Shot that ranged quite through their Barracks, so terrified them, that many of them left the Fort, and run into the Water for Refuge. "The Grand Battery being in our Possession; the Island Battery being so much annoy'd by the Light-house Battery; the North-East Battery so open to our Advance Battery, that it was not possible for the Enemy to stand to their Guns; all the Guns in the Circular Battery except three being dis- moimted, and the Wall almost wholly broke down; the West Gate demolished, and a large Breach in the Wall adjoining; The West Flank in the King's Bastion almost ruined; all the Houses and other Buildings almost torn to Pieces, but one House in the town being left unhurt, and the Ene? my's Stock of Ammunition growing short, they sent out a Flag of Truce to the Camp, desiring Time to consider upon the Arti? cles of Capitulation. This was granted till the next Morning when they brought out Articles, which were refused, and oth? ers sent in by the General and Commodore, and agreed to by the Enemy: Hostages were exchanged and "On the 17th of June (28th New Style), the City and Fortresses were surrendered, and A Gaelic Workbook for the Beginner Ciamar a tha thu?' available in local stores or write: Box 56, Mabou, N.S. Price $2.50 We Specialize in Camping Equipment and Clothing of All Kinds as well as Hardware, Plumbing and Electrical Supplies Reuben McEvoy's General Store Ltd. mOONISH BBACR Open all year at the entrance to the beautiful Cape Breton Highlands National Park Isle Royale Beverages Limited Your authorized COCA-COLA bottler 564-8130 562-4439 145 W?Hon St. Sjdnmf, N. S. At Our New Location Better Health Gentre 364 Charlott e St reet ' Sydney Offers 1' Large Range df Health, Vegetarian, Special Diet & Diabetic Poods and Vitatains CO.D.Orders Accepted/Bulk Rates QISN MON-FRI momiS''X'7 Health is Happiness
Cape Breton's Magazine
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