Cape Breton's Magazine

> Issue 19 > Page 38 - New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745

Page 38 - New Englanders Take Louisbourg, 1745

Published by Ronald Caplan on 1978/6/1 (298 reads)

the Garrison and all the Inhabitants, to the Number of 2000, capable of bearing Arms, made Prisoners, to be transported to France with all their personal Effects." In the absence of outside help, the French had no alternative but to surrender. The garrison was granted the honours of war and the townspeople were guaranteed their possessions. The French were put on ships and sent back to France. Journal Entry: Note! it has been Exceeding foggy and Rainy Ever Since the 18 Instant. (Excepting about two Hours in which we See the Sun.) And altho' I Can't Say, that the Stars in their Courses Have Fought against Our Enemies Yet This I Can Say. Remarkab? le I has been the weather It was 49 Days after we began our Siege before the Gener? al went into the Citty, and in all that time we had not So Much as 24 Hours Rain. There has not been the Like Since the Cit? ty Has Stood (As they Relate.) which was a Vast advantage to us (not only Upon t"he Account of our health But also) in Using our artillarie This! in Con.iunction with Many Other things, not Less Remarkable Ought not to be forgotten by us. Journal Entry: I Came to the Knowledge of Many things, that I Could not know before the Citty was taken which Set forth their Disstress Beyond what I had tho't of Be? fore among the many I Shall Mention but two or Three which are (Viz) there was a woman Newly Bro't A Bed that was So af? frighted by A Bombs falling into The House where She Lay, that She Soon Died, There was a man Playing with his Little Child between his feet, and there Came a Cannon Ball which Cut the Child asunder. (But Hurt not the Man) it went into another Room and Kill'd two more of his Children. A woman (Near her Time) was walking in the Street who was Cut astmder by a Cannon Ball, and Died Immeadiately, The New Englanders spent the winter at Louisbourg, And the consequence of that was death. The New Englanders had lost a- bout 101 in the siege. The French had lost 53 due to military action. But during that winter the New Englanders were inadequate? ly provided for. They weren't regular troops. They had not volunteered with the anticipation of being called to garrison the place. Having taken Louisbourg, they now wanted to go home. Instead, they were held there till the Gibraltar Regiments • British line regiments • came in to relieve them. These troops didn't arrive till the spring, and during that winter disease set in. It was extremely fatal. The New Eng? land garrison suffered about 800 deaths • eight times what they lost in the siege. They grew so dissipated by the cold, wet, inadequacies of food, shelter, clothing, that when the people died they didn't even bury thera. They just lifted up the floor? boards of houses and buried the dead there. They could not even get up the strength, or perhaps discipline, needed to conduct regular funerals. Rochefort Point is populated with the bodies of New Eng? landers to this day. This article grew out of extensive conversations with Sandy Balcolm, Staff Historian at Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park. While Mr. Balcolm has served as both our guide and primary resource, the accuracy and wording of the final text, as well as the selection of quotations from diaries and reports of the First Seige. remain the responsibility of CAPE BRETON'S MAGAZINE. We recommend a visit to the fortress, where you can actually walk thru much of the arena of the events described. Galvanized Steel phone. 674-2108 HANS LARSEN & Aluminum Roof ing| Millville, Boularderie, R.R.#1, Bras d'Or Ladies and Children's Wear HU 314 Charlotte Street SYDNBT S.A.JFr'fmatt 2Itii' 'RESCRIPTIONS-COSMETICS-TOILETRIES. ETC. INVERNiSS • PHONI 258-2400 • NOVA SCOTIA • • Turn left at the Causeway- Route 19 • It's a lovely way to go.** fast program offers a I IV )(I''Q:??)Y3'ffl I 1 ''.'*? Breton's Bed & Breakfast program }S'Jk unique and interesting experience in overnight ac- VCl commodations. Every season ttiose in the - • jl program, dispfaying the above sign, open their doors ill *? greet visitors with courtesy and vi''rmth. '|V| WATCH FOR THE BED & BREAKFAST SIGN vV I -OR- Itl'l contact the Cape Breton Tourist Association for a list '' • 'of Bed & Breakfast participants '
Cape Breton's Magazine
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