Page 67 - Anne Blufarb's Second World War
Published by Ronald Caplan on 1997/6/1 (197 reads)shiver with this fear. So we were sitting all on the bed there. Kind of hugging each other close. When the killing started, I remember a German came in. Somebody showed him the house. People who lived in the neighbourhood--they were not all Jewish people, they were either Polish or Ukraini? an. When they asked where there is a Jew living, they pointed to the house. A few doctors and their families committed suicide. The doctor injected them with needles. They took their own lives so the Germans wouldn't kill them. And my father went to a room and he tried to commit sui? cide. Working with the doctor, he always had some needles there. Whatever he in? tended to use I don't know.... But my mother wouldn't allow him. She said that that was against the Jewish religion, to take their own life. So she kind of grabbed him and pulled him to that house of that cousin of mine. We were sitting all on that bed huddling to? gether. And when that German SS man came in he said, "Any more Jewish men around? We're taking all the men." My father started to talk to him and say, "What are you going to do with us?" "Oh, we have an order to kill." And he spoke to him in German and he said, "I see, you're a nice man. But you have to"--the German means, "You have to die because you are a Jew." But it means different than just plain "die." It's like a crueller word. But he said, "I see you're a nice man. but you have to die because that's my orders." So my father said, "Well, will you allow me, at least, to say goodbye to my wife and children?" And he said, "That I will. You can go and say goodbye to them." baddeck marine d6ndee Marine Providing Professional Marine Service to Cape Breton AND Eastern Nova Scotia So he came over and he kissed us all. Kissed my mother, kissed my sisters. And he said--he was a little skeptical about the other world--he said, "But if there is another world, we'll see each other there. And I hope that God will take my person as a sacrifice and will let you survive"--to my mother, and my sisters, and to me. With those words, the German took him out. And we never saw him again till we found him dead. Waterfront Dining BELL BUOY RESTAURANT Baddeck, N.S. 295-2581 Smoke-Free Environment Blue Heron Gift Shop Books • Glassware • Figurines • Woodenware Crystai • Cassette Tapes • CD's • Videos Gifts for All Occasions baddeck • Toii Free 1-888-919-4488 • 295-3424
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